I just thought we didnt have enough threads about 1 member
Holy crap this isnt some private club let the boy be if you dont like him stop posting in his threads or reading, block him for gods sake. You people are worse than newbs around here
means that someone is bored and is makeign fun of alot of people kinda like it was 3rd grade and prank phone calls were back in style
at least this is more entertaining than watching the women complain oooo burn
yea alot of drugie parents that do x or pot or whatever other the drug of the week they are doing do this alot more than we know ....one reason they should have drug test and iq tests to become a parent
ok ok ok first the Kat basically cant be that fast so why not make it look cool neons or l.e.d's add some flare to a bike you should polish the frame and paint it too just so its diff, maybe even polish the wheel lips that always looks good