For just the race harness it was 500, trans would be extra. The harnesses are getting made now and should be done 3-4 weeks.
uoesnt that just show internal ips?
it's for work.
As I asked in op, that will show ip to computer, what about the dvr? Or is it only one ip going out of router?
Noted. This includes anything on different routers from the same modem?
We switched isps and im trying to set up our security dvrs for mobile viewing.
Im pretty sure i can handle port forwarding and setting up the internal static ip, but i how i figure out the external or public ip? is it the same as a computer on the same network. Like
this meme bothers me. Thats not when he says that. Might as well.
I just installed an alibi unit and like it a lot. Bought from supercircuits and the tech support is american and super helpful. The mobile app is the best one ive seen.