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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. Sure enough, 37% higher cost of living in Scottsdale, almost all of it from housing. http://www.bestplaces.net/col/?salary=150000&city1=53922694&city2=50465000
  2. Scottsdale is the AZ version of Dublin. I don't think they feel the effects.
  3. Not bulletproof; it's a weighted vest for martial arts training. He was modeling it for his website.
  4. My best friend in AZ caught a burglar in his house, Video and story here. How would you like to be a thief, and have this guy walk in on you: http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/Eli/1083157198_l.jpg http://www.perryjoshua.com/Exchange/Eli/836181628_l.jpg I imagine some of you gun nuts are hoping that this happens to you.
  5. At 11% (the avg rate of the stock market over its lifetime), $18K in 18 years would turn into $117K+.
  6. This is most likely the case, and has happened 100% of the time I have bought a house, typically one year into the loan.
  7. That's the way it should be; the meat they serve is better than any dessert I've ever had.
  8. There are at least a couple in Ohio, one is Braza(sp?) in Cleveland, and there is another one in downtown Cinci. There was an Amazon Grill here in Columbus but it was awful. If you ever hear the term "rodizio " it means the same thing.
  9. I called you last week to see how she was doing. No wonder you didn't answer the phone. Glad to see she is doing well.
  10. Huh, I always thought their target audience was college kids and intelligent people. I learn something new every day.
  11. Rent a tux. Or a prom dress.
  12. I've never read anything by her. I am on another forum, and I have gotten a lot reading recommendations from members. Here is a thread from that forum: Their opinion on Rand
  13. You can take this to court and probably will win. You will most likely pay more in legal fees than the ticket costs to pay, and it's more of a pain in the ass. Your call (to a lawyer).
  14. Adena? If so I built their new data center. Best looking installation I've ever done.
  15. Edit: The Rockwell video makes more sense, since everything they are talking about has to do with magnetism and electricity, none of which are found in a transmission.
  16. In before Tim posts recommending different ISO, a tripod/F-Stop change/shutter speed, and compliments you on great shots.
  17. Thanks for the reminder...It needed brakes and shocks too.
  18. http://columbus.craigslist.org/bar/1265653791.html
  19. Is this should or could? It makes a difference.
  20. Do you need special sunglasses to see them? http://www.fusionanomaly.net/theyliveconform.jpg
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