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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. http://www.darkformula.net/files/Smilies/lol.jpg
  2. Wow, at this price it's quite a steal. BUMP
  3. Mensan


  4. Think you got enough pics, stalker? Maybe you should have followed her a little longer. She probably called the FBI. http://www.darkformula.net/files/Smilies/emot-haw.gif
  5. Just saw this movie, maybe you guys saw something else. This one was fucking great, and I can't wait to see it again.
  6. Mensan

    Epic Movie

    I didn't think so either until I looked up the definition of slapstick: Main Entry: slap·stick Pronunciation: 'slap-"stik Function: noun 1 : a device made of two flat pieces of wood fastened at one end so as to make a loud noise when used by an actor to strike a person 2 : comedy stressing farce and horseplay; also : activity resembling slapstick
  7. iamnotsurebutithinktheolderaodshadlowerstalltorqueconverterssothatmightbetheproblemormaybeitsjustmorewornoutimeanafterallitsa20yearoldcar Use some fucking commas and periods next time. Also, the correct forum is the tech section. Good luck.
  8. Mensan


    I don't understand this sentence at all. It is worded terribly.
  9. You very obviously have not been in one or the other. It's not the same car at all. Not even a little bit. The Phaeton reminds you that VW makes Bentley as well, which is easily forgotten in a Passat.
  10. Mensan

    354 hrs

    LOL Mine is even better than that.
  11. A twin turbo would never fit between the factory frame rails. They would need to be modified.
  12. I couldn't agree more. I fucking HATE sexist men. Edit: They're a bunch of cunts.
  13. Mensan


    Holy shit!!! You use more fucking exclamation points...........And ellipses...... than anyone........ I've EVER SEEN!!!!!!!! What the fuck is the deal with that!!!!!!! Also, fuck dead people!!!! They can't get offended!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!
  14. I can't agree more, and I am glad at least *someone* got my point. I would have thought that was obvious...
  15. There may not be room in this thread for both of our huge egos. Here is your original post, and I will highlight the part I have a problem with: You do not have to burn any fossil fuels using nuclear means to produce hydrogen. Since you wanted to bring credentials into play, I will state that they did this at the nuclear power plants where I have worked. Also, I placed more faith in your powers of deductive reasoning than I should have. I was not stating that "...H2 be used in a fuel cell to produce electricity, which in turn is used to extract more H2, in some endless cycle where the efficiency losses of each system aren’t a concern...", I was merely pointing out that once fuel cells are in widespread use, the demand for cheaper hydrogen will drive research into more efficeint ways of obtaining it. Hence the statement that "the means to extract hydrogen (most likely NOT through electrolysis) will only become more cost effective once this happens". It's a prime example of Price elasticity of supply. I have provided a link since I know your education is in engineering and not economics (obviously). Cheers.
  16. Not true. Electrolysis can be performed using hydrogen created by nuclear means. Also, fuel cell technology is utilizing hydrogen for power generation, and it should be widespread in the near future. The means to extract hydrogen (most likely NOT through electrolysis) will only become more cost effective once this happens.
  17. "Proofread" is one word. I guess that hit a little too close to home... Did I strike a nerve with the retards of CR?
  18. I think your English is broken. You should have someone look at it.
  19. I have used him, and I can say nothing but good things about him. He is also one of the nicest people I have ever met. You will never have someone do a better job for even CLOSE to what he charges.
  20. My JVC has a 1/4 inch plug on the front; you could plug in anything. We watch movies on my laptop all the time.
  21. Negative. They can't fire you, but they don't have to pay you.
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