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Posts posted by Sawbinder

  1. So my neighbor and I goto the pub at polaris (started pub tour on 12/27/08) and decide to do the pub tour as well as the one at the winking lizard. However the one at the Pub requires on 55 beers and if your up to it a trip to the other 3 in Ohio, the 3 in Kentucky, and the one in Florida (a must go). Yea, so my brother and I along with my neighbor and brothers friend decided to go for it all.


    Friday 9 am leave Columbus hit Cinci Pub first, stay 45 minutes leave (free round from GM Ron). 45 minutes later hit the second stop of the day the Crestview Pub meet manager Stacy (she's fun, free shirts and free round, good way to start free stuff off). Next stop Louisville (free round from tom), mad dash to 4 Roses Bourbon Distillery for a tour (3 pm fun). Last stop Lexington Pub 5pm (manager to busy but still got free round).


    Saturday 10 am arrive in Pembroke Fl. drove all night. Check into hotel down the road from the Pub and get cleaned up. Goto Hooters for lunch, 11 am. Hit the Pub around 1 pm and meet manager Autumn (crazy girl, free shirts and beer and food from 6 till we left). Invites us all to stay all day and hang out. Leave around to 3 pm to get rid of car and walk 2 miles back to Pub to start drinking all over again till 11 pm can't stand anymore and neither can 2 others. Walk back to hotel and crash. One member of group stayed up till 2 am at bar (hurting the next day).


    Sunday got up at 5:30 am and left for Daytona 500. Arrived and was at Hooters across the street from race track drinking by 10:45 am. Tried to drink them out of beer didn't work. Got more beer and then went to the race. First time for all of us at any race. It was awsome will definitley go again. Best part you can bring in your own beer. Rained out left race then went to Hooters again in Jacksonville and then to hotel at 11 pm for sleep.


    Monday got up at 5 am left for Home. Drove straight to the Pub in Dayton and hung out for hour (free round from managers good guys). Drove home then all decided to goto the Polaris Pub for one more. My neighbor has all 8 stamps from all 8 Pubs and all 55 beers, I only need cleveland stamp (getting next week) and a few beers, My brother and his buddy have all Pub stamps and only need around 30 beers and finished.


    2,700 miles, 166 gallons of gas and one broken speedometer on my Yukon and no arrests

    All of this to get $3.50 drafts for life.


    How did you spend your weekend?

  2. Every LEO should have one. Trade in your night stick for one. A mag light is close enough to being a night stick.


    If only we cold get the the city to buy enough for every officer to have however the city does not have enough money to buy us proper equipment right now. Most of us have them when working however they are not %100 gaurenteed to work every time. They do work well and may have been useful in this situation but we will never know. I wish every situation was easy and I always knew what I was walking into however that would be wishfull thinking.

  3. Maybe it was because he was being punched, he resisted. Look, it doesn't matter how you fuckin package shit, it's still bullshit. If you AND a partner can't subdue a fuckin homeless person without repeatedly punching them in the face, you don't deserve the fuckin job. If I, by myself, can restrain people without beating them at a club or on the job (I've worked as a security guard, bouncer, bodyguard, and part of a bounty hunting team - Note: None of those things are as glorious as tv would have you believe:(), then why can't two police officers.


    Besides, it's obvious the guy is subdued already. The only things he's doing is possibly being a pain in the ass by not putting his arm behind his back at this point. Whatever happened before is irrelevant, now.


    Until you go out and deal with homeless people or mentally ill people on a regular basis you have no room to talk. I deal with them every day. Most homeless people are mentally ill and are violent, they will turn on you in a minute thats why they are homeless. Until you have experienced a person go from nice to full meltdown and attack you with incredible strength its scary. I have been there and it can be a fight for your life.


    Now that being said, the suspect was not under arrest until he was in handcuffs. He was resisting by not putting his hands behind his back when told to do so. The first 8 minutes before the tape turned are crucial it will tell the strory of what led up to the situation at hand. The punch to the face is acceptable in certain situations. However as some already said that last punch might be the one that does the officer in.


    Also these officers might already have dealt with him before and known that he is prone to be violent as stated in the reoprt at the end he had already attacked a police officer before striking him over the head with a flashlight.

  4. I'm sorry...but fuck that! Who the fuck would vote for a tax increase? Let the city trim the fat like we are doing vs taking a nickle more of my money. Fix your budget and curb your spending before wasting another nickle of MY MONEY :finger:


    I hear all this shit about Rec. Centers.....screw that..let those that use them begin paying a membership. Police....trim the Freeway Patrol....we don't need 6 cops on 270 between Rt3 and Easton any day of the week. :rolleyes: I don't have the all the details, but the hell with police and fireman getting retirement packages of 90% of their pay plus benefits. Why? :confused: Waste of our money.


    Put this dumb ass idea right the fuck up there with the Mayors desire to put trolleys downtown........what a fucking ass-hat mother fucker!! ....and let's spend $200k to study the idea! :confused::mad:How the hell did he get his job? :mad:


    Damn Democrats are in the house!! Hang onto your wallets. Spread the wealth baby!! :gtfo:




    Ouch, your definitley not a happy camper today!

  5. This may have or may not have been me plowing our court since the city has NEVER plowed it in 8 years.


    Love the commentary that may have or may have not been my wife. Although the camera person doesn't know to let the camera focus before recording.




    If they have not plowed your court in 8 years they never will, gotta do what ya gotta do to clear the snow off the road. Nice loved the wifes comments!!

  6. They got a pretty good selection of beer at the PUB. I'll be there tonight working on my beer tour getting primed for my trip to the one in Cinci, the three in Kentucky and the one in Florida then a stop at the Daytona 500 and back home. $3.50 mugs for life!!!!
  7. The last person I wrote a ticket to admitted they were texting that's why she was swerving from lane to lane, speeding up and slowing down. Earned her a marked lanes and seatbelt violation. Stupid people like that cause accidents all the time. Pisses me off.
  8. The PUB is outstanding and the women are nice to look at to, love the skirts. I'm already doing the beer tour there and in the mug club. Me and a buddy are going on a road trip and hitting the one in Cincinnati, the three in Kentucky and the one in Florida then going to hit the Daytona 500 on the way back. Should be an outstanding four days.
  9. I put thousands of rounds of the shit though my guns and never had any problems in my AK, AR and my UZI. Its not for precision shooting its cheap shit for fun. If you dont get the laquer coated stuff your fine. You just cant reload the stuff and make sure you clean your gun good after each shooting session as you would any other time and you will be fine.
  10. I have always wondered why people took this stuff so personally???? You would think O.J. smacked all of your mothers and had sex with your wives.


    I dont know the man and couldnt give two shits about him. As far as I'm concerned he's just another criminal and not worth the time of rooting for or against him. If the evidence puts him away good, if it doesnt they need to try harder next time.


    He's not the first and he wont be the last to get over on the justice system only to have his stupidity and karma come back and bite him in the ass.




    Amen to that

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