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Posts posted by Sawbinder

  1. I had to take a polygraph to get on Columbus Police Dept. The polygraph goes off of 2 things heart rate and blood pressure. For the CPD test they asked me all of the questions first, they were all yes or no. Then they hooked me up to the polygraph machine and asked the same questions again and some they changed around and asked twice. They look for a rise in your heart rate or your blood pressure or if you take to long to answer. If you have to think about an answer then you might be lying.

    Just be truthful relax and try not to think to much about it right now all you are going to do is make yourself a nervous wreck. They are not that bad unless you have a lot to hide or lie to try and hide things. Don't lie they will find out that is for sure. :D

  2. I do work in the law enforcement field. I do run tags at random and you would be surprised at the number of people out there driving no ops and with warrants. However when you pull someone over for a minor violation you have to remember is it really worth it to bust someones balls just for that. Most of the time I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and give them a warning unless they are a real jerk about it, you show me respect and I will return the same respect to you.

    Just remember if you are no ops and or you do have a warrant for your arrest I am going to take you to jail thats your fault not mine. Im just doing my job.

    The whole stereo thing at 2 am I still have not been able to catch the jerk in my neighbor hood yet either.

  3. Firat off you have to remember where you are your in westerville. The cops there are bored and look for any excuseto mess with anybody. Second the cop should know that if you are going slow around a corner and your tires squeal its not your fault. I would not have pulled you over or even bothered you. Remember not all cops are jerks!!

    Just my 2 cents worth.

  4. Did the officer provide you with an adendum sheet? This sheet is incase you found out later that there is something else missing or something that you thought was stolen but now found. This sheet should have your report number on it and if you found your serial numbers can be mailed to the detectives and then the serial numbers are added to the list with the pawn shop squad.

    If a pawn shop store fails to declare all of their inventory that was taken in then the shop could be shut down and the owner charged with receiving stolen property a felony.

    Once again Im sorry about the wait but the officer does not pick the runs that we get sent on or the order that they come in. Just remember all report runs that are not life threating get pushed to the back of the list till all major life threatening runs are taken care of first. Thats the dispatchers call as to when the run is sent out but they try to get all runs dispatched as soon as possible.

    I hope all works out for you. By the way I have been in your shoes I lost two stereo systems to thieves out of my truck so nothing would bring me greater plesure than to catch them in the act and throw them in jail.

  5. I am sorry about your what happened to you. What i suggest you do is go and get a copy of the report. Find out exactly how much your equipment was worth replacement value. Do you have all of the serial numbers? If so give them to the police. The pawn shops here in town have to turn over all serial numbers of stuff pawned at their shops weekly to the pawnshop squad who checks for stolen stuff every week. Was the officer with CPD? I am not going to speak ill of the brethern but everybody has a boss and the squecky wheel gets the oil.

    The officer who reponded to your call was dispatched in the order of the severity of the crime. Yours is considered a paper run for a report that is why it took so long for the officer to get there. Also the dispatchers assign the runs not the officers.

    Just be persistent and eventually you might get the desired effect you are looking for. By the way since your theft is over $2,000 it is a felony. Once again Im sorry you had a bad experience with CPD maybe the next officer can make it right.

  6. I have a buddy of mine who's dad just gave him an 83 greenwood camaro. The car has only 13,000 original miles is a convertible and is one of only 18 made by greenwood. He knows the motor is a balanced and blueprinted, but he not sure if it is an LS1 or not . He said it has dual carbs on it. Does anybody know where I might be able to find out some more information on it? Thanks for the help in advance.
  7. My 86 camaro has an issue. When I push on the brake it turns on my ear defrost and the 3rd brake light which stays on till I shut off the rear defrost . I just changed the rear brake lights. Im thinking maybe the defrost switch is bad? Anybody got any answers? Some help would be appreciated..
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