You pay for what you get, I wont scrathc your wheels and your TPMS sensors will not be touched. Ill get with my boss today and see what I can do. Just get at me in PM.
Done other peoples stuff on the board with everything looking the way it came out of the box.
It takes alot of time to do run flats and to be sure not to fuck up the rim thats why you are being quoted so high.
Time = Money mang.
If you can appreciate the build up of suspense then watch this vid. Do not fast forward or the nding will not be the same. And when you think the end is the end you will find out it turns into a shit storm of emotions you will feel.
It is just soo good!
I have a LG Voyager and Im looking to trade for a Envy2.
I hvae the Platinum color with a the chrome ring around it.
It also has a small chip out of the chrome that you can barley see on the bottom right hand side.
Im looking for any color Envy would really like red , green or black.
Here is what it looks like.
Like stated above mine is more of a grey color. It will include Car and wall charger.
Well Ill still need a clutch and flywheel to hold the power my car makes on top of having these bildon axles cut for my car i wont get half for what i paid for them.
Not getting an 02m just because it weighs more does not make it better.
02j for life
Its been gears, diff bolts, cracked casings and syncros.
the trans is a weakpoint in the VW world. Its known all over. No one makes a built o2j and if it is its custom and if its custom it costs as much as straight cut.
Im not worried. Its fun.
Originally Posted by TE7two
Just get an 02m already.
The swap costs way to much, Not worth it. after almost 4k in a swap hell i cold save another 1k and buy a straight cut gear trans and thats not worth it. Only reason its like this is cause of the dragstrip everytime.
Now its going back to what I originally built it for. Slayin 600's and Lsx's