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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. That Sentra was bad ass, Great example of Power to Weight ratio, the Sentra and I raced about every speed possible...lol Did you know the guy in the exotic GT?... Might wanna tell him he scraped off about $500 worth of carbon fiber when he finally left in the driveway out... I would give itr back but I just Ebayed it:p Nice to finally meet you, All your crew and everyone there was really nice.
  2. WTB a labtop, Need one for school. Post up what you got or know where I can get a killer deal. Will take ones that fall off trucks too. Would like to have something with a good amount of space and newer than 2004.
  3. Sweet kill ray. Those guys cars are pretty quick. I had to stop at the mansfield exit, slept for 3 hrs then drove the rest of the way back to C Bus lol
  4. The last time me and him race I was at 7k 160+ Dead even. we raced prolly 10-12 times last night each time with a diffrent outcome.
  5. Thanks for the goodtimes, JP and Jamie. Hope your buddy is ok. End thread cause "That just happend" Going to bed at 7:57am......
  6. You guys missed out, Shit was wild.......... Billy with the Pewter TA also repped Columbus. Neon John and Hua made the trip with us also.
  7. My Vote is Sonny, "you suck and so does your money" Heard that once over a race... lol
  8. I too rock the VW, 1.8t Welcome.
  9. Yeah putting to use a whole tank of race gas. In cleveland.
  10. Me and my buddy billy are goin hre's got a gto, Cya tonight ray.
  11. 14.6, in the 1320 its not fast. why whats yours?...
  12. If you gotta ask............ Than nevermind. I would assume. Im not a jerk in real life.
  13. Car or bike?... In action ive seen Linn, has hustled more people or raced everyother car on here more than once and convinced people he is slow, However the stories I hear about Sonny and his boys and have seen are jaw dropping. Then there is a certain yellow Vette that goes with the name Columbus like Peanut butter and jelly. No matter what if people are from anywhere in ohio and know a little bit about the scene Sams Vette is asked about. However I dont think there is one person better than anyone else. Just cause you dont know or see it go down doesnt. I'm young into the scene, thats all I can attest to someone else voice there opinion and historic knowledge.
  14. No spectators:) either race or stay in cbus totally saying this in a nice way
  15. Seems as if the rain is letting up for our event I called in a favor from a friend. ....
  16. THis rain better blow over, the VW is sitting outside wanting to race...... and win.
  17. I have raced this car we went from a 65 i hitt my top speed of 160 in 5th "Short geared i know" in redline and he was 3-4 busses away from me......... Car is sick guy is nice and that would be a steal to sell with all the time and money invested in that car. If I had the money I would pick this up no doubt.
  18. Its on like donkey kong, 3rd page ownage.
  19. Fuckin A I cant belive I won.... Isert soulja boy dance here >>>> <<<<< yea!
  20. You got me there but having two cars might almost be like having half of one kid... Is it me or is there not enough hours in one day? ..... Anyone?..
  21. Try work and schol........ Now that klinda blows, work sucks when its cold but I acyually enjoy my classes at CSCC. Mondays still blow ass!
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