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Everything posted by neonkiller

  1. High speed long runs they go booooooooooooooooooooom They got what I call the Shakes on high revving applications lol BTW Pics or it didnt happen
  2. Fuck VW's, I bet they sent the wrong one.. lol Do MK3's VR6's have key lockout's like MK4's? Sorry about your VW luck it will always be around...
  3. Mine is the 29th, that weekend I think we are gonna goto Cedar point was gonna make a thread. Wanna do it?
  4. I see HH greg failing very soon, Fucking retards doing dumb shit the last three times Ive been there. There is no racing going on up there bunch a fucking parking lot pimpin on there loud rocketships, If I could I'd line them up all on the HWY and roll them one by one and if you cant win stay the fuck home. Hell Id even let em option for a dig and there would only be 7 people allowed to stay lol. We had a Saab SUV and 4 people in it and we couldn't shake a race with anything. But however these are the people that support the R and D that goes into real race cars they buy the parts from companies get in trouble spend money at there local shops and lawyers and support the sport/lifestyle we have all been idiots one part in our lives. Fuck it there good in my book as long as I see a car tag a light pole this year.
  5. Im more stoked to get my bike and do track racing then i am being able to cruise around town
  6. Sooo are you still only running 260cc injectors? .... and whats the max these motors can hold on stock parts?..
  7. 112 will be EPIC my boy Silva will keep the Title no doubt.
  8. You know nothing about my car.... If they were stock where did the LSD and final drive come from? Or the Cryo treated stuff? I guess it fell out of the sky from the VW gods. You lost one thread to me keep your comments about my car to yourself and your facebook page. My car is LEGIT. I take this as a compliment. 1. My car is a killer 2. Come find me when your car breaks stuff maybe it will roll with this one one day.
  9. Just put a 9inch in it. Fuck it.
  10. Its a question answer it you FUCKTARD. I dont need advice, If I did I would of asked for it. Braaaaappppt
  11. ATTN: mods this is just something I have been wondering I'm not trying to sell anything or offer any services. Would you rent this http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs459.ash1/25252_381092265597_651455597_4354758_106038_n.jpg http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs439.snc3/25252_381092270597_651455597_4354759_4095133_n.jpg No gimmicks, No tricks. Return it as given to you. $125 a day up to 250 miles. Copy and paste this into your post. 1. Would you rent this? 2. Why?
  12. Dude there were so many bitches!!!! Literally. I made a couch out of sand it was a fucking hit! Its gonna take me 2 days to get all these pics uploaded
  13. My dude John Linn woulda stayed in it.
  14. Day two is going up on FB right now sooo there getting better and better. However Rob has the funniest video of him doing bad things to a girl on a jetski on the beach in front of everyone....
  15. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs419.snc3/25252_380573420597_651455597_4342224_2975495_n.jpg Chris figuring out we have only been drinking 2 hrs and had 4 more to go...
  16. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs490.snc3/26779_403491591873_526706873_4862071_1469560_n.jpg Someone please photo shop Sam Demeter and Dr. Tilley in this photo.
  17. http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs490.ash1/26779_403483806873_526706873_4861652_6159737_n.jpg I look like steve erkel/.....
  18. http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs490.ash1/26779_404380226873_526706873_4885970_7541823_n.jpg Jizzle on the dance floor, Our Bay bays we met in PCB made some photos for us. they love us.
  19. Im no bitch but the first one we did laying down it was easy money, She said it was at an akward angle so the second one I sat up. Shit hurt pretty good, http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs459.ash1/25252_380573405597_651455597_4342221_5066713_n.jpg Worth it I love em Next is my pinup girl with a rat rod... What are the other 7 inks you got?
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