I was driving on 'GO DOWN RD' there are few blind turns.
right after i make a 2nd turn. i see a cop and sure enough she pulls me over.
as soon as i get pulled over she yell out through the window telling me to pull into apartment complex with the fucking mad ape additude.
she askes me why i was in such a hurry and i said i wasn't, i was just going home. she askes how fast i was going. and i tell her speed limit. Then she suddenly get all pissed and saying 'DON'T GIVE ME THAT SMILE, DONT EVEN TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GOING IN SPEED LIMIT!! DO I LOOK ENTERTAINED RIGHT NOW??" im like WTF and i say "NO!!! I AM NOT ENTERTAINED EITHER" <- probably shouldnt have talked back like that but i was really pissed at that moment
well then, she tells me with that kind of additude she will give me 4 points for whatever and take me to jail.
she goes back to her car and do her thing and comes back. she asks me to choose between getting 4 points for whatever whatever and going to jail, or 2 points and get Reckless driving + loud exhaust. my exhaust is pretty loud but not crazy loud. and i really do not believe i ever crossed the middle yellow line..
she gives me reckless driving + loud muffler 220$
sorry for my english. it's not my first language.