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Everything posted by Splatmaster

  1. still would not be good enough.you would have to paint your car a shade of ugly yellow.
  2. well, the nissan will be at pizza, so if anyone wants to bring a sled and some rope, we can probally have some fun!! -Rick ( Grease Monkey )
  3. an older bike with regular tires will go in the snow.i rode an entire pennsylvania winter back and forth to work.but a sportbike with sportbike tires does not go in the snow.you wont even be able to drive it.
  4. yeah good idea . im computer stupid.its o.e. color black with red and orange stripes. it has new tires on it.also it has a vance and hines header.
  5. for sale, 1982 honda cb 750s. black,20k miles,new chain and sprockets runs good.1200.00 dollars
  6. If I had one of these could I race you??? http://www.oceanstreetvideo.com/clyde/clydwhbig.asf
  7. You guys, if your cars vibrated enough your wives wouldn't let you drive them.
  8. thats fucking hilarious!! -this is rick by the way
  9. I wasn't calling them out I was trying to be included.Also I was refering more to a top speed run.I don't know about the vette, but I know the mazda doesn't hook ,neither does my bike. So a race from a stop would be a joke.Lets start from 100 mph.
  10. Matt thinks he should be trapping around the same mph as me. If he does, then it could be a pretty good run. Whats 400cc difference anyway?
  11. Riding, not driving..... 2005 Kawasaki ZX10R
  12. Splatmaster


    I'd like race Sam (yellow Z06) and Matt (RXV8), 3 wide, me in middle. I don't even have positraction.
  13. those exploders are known to have wheel bering issues, and the dealer is the only place you can get the correct berings from. 22's are a bad idea, it's just gonna wear out the berings faster. Hope you got a good one though!!!
  14. i walk my son to the grade school next door around 7:45 what time does your kid go to school?
  15. got a speeding ticket in a 1974 vw air cooled bug 94 mph in a55mph zone in 1980 by a PA trooper
  16. sounds like since it's all timed correctly, she should be firing!! this is rick
  17. Thanks to Mario for pedalling his car so I could win.
  18. was the 2000 R1 fuel injected, of carbed? this is rick, btw
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