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Everything posted by Sturg1647545502

  1. Thats where the Finacee got her wallet stolen out of her locked locker in december. couldve happened at any gym. And she said it was crowed as fuck today....which also you'll find at any gym in Jan and Feb.
  2. I mean the chiller rents skates...or you can pick some up on the cheap at play it again. To clarify these are just run of the mill, learn how not to bust yo' ass on the ice, lessons?
  3. What the car will run and what the car will run with you driving are two different things;)
  4. Is it properly conveyed in the stickied intro thread that this is the noobies "interview" to get on this board? How about you have to scroll down to the bottom of the "read me" and click a "yes ive read this and wont be a d-bag" tab before they made post #1. Hi-light it in yellow? then again there are plenty of people who have made stellar intros with the current set up. I want people to make sure they put their best foot forward. Lock this shit and try again OP. The lack of effort is super sub par and this shit is getting old, fast.
  5. medic and FF since 2005, 5/6th through RN school, worked at level 1 trauma center/ED for 5 years, EMS instructor; but none of that really helps. I just stayed in a Holiday in last night. Where i watched every episode of ER. And masturbated to John Stahmos' hair. i got an 87 and pretty much minded my own business. Its a survival of me not others. Speaking of survival, watch the roads this week. We had a not so good outcome today and a double fatal MVC Friday night(with the rain). http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/378847_320568901297818_114185498602827_1099535_1275700177_n.jpg
  6. ahha thats what i was thinking Not sure where i heard this but to be a MC cop you have to do crazy extensive training to be approved for street duty. either way MF'er rode like he was on a 125
  7. Could you send me a copy of that one? ill send money paypal upfront.
  8. I would like to inquire about joining the "get money boyz" ( im assuming its boyz with a z) social club. They looks like a fun bunch of fellas who have their communities best interest in mind. Ill write Houston Fox26 and see if they have their contact information.
  9. Jesus CR you know really know how to get crazy! Dinner with the parents? Game night? MW3? sleeping? nothing? Whatch out for these guys http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o75/rickyyellen/rod_farva_copy.jpg
  10. Maybe its just me but dogs are pretty proficient at not dying...espeshly from a cold. No doubt that shes misserable but unless there are GI issues or this is a chronic/long lasting deal, shell get over it on her own. To me, the notion of taking your dog to the vet for a cold is goofy.
  11. An interesting piece on the 2007 WSOP winner Jerry Yang. He started out his life in his refugee camp in Thailand, became a clinical psychologist in CA and then used his skills of reading people to win the tourney after only playing for 2 years! Brief article http://onlyagame.wbur.org/2011/08/13/all-in-2 Interview audio http://www.wbur.org/media-player?url=http://onlyagame.wbur.org/2011/08/13/all-in-2&title=%26%238216%3BAll+In%26%238217%3B+By+Jerry+Yang&segment=all-in-2&pubdate=2011-08-13&source=onlyagame
  12. youre not much of a conservationalist.
  13. screen capping, printing out and laminating for future generations to read. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VxzsYbkQtg&feature=player_embedded#t=23
  14. back on topic, should have done something about it. pussy.
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