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Posts posted by OJdidit1738

  1. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c129/ninobrown614/Cr%20Track%20Day/l_5fcf45a4ae0948b4add1a9f55e620de6.jpg






  2. Looks like you guys hit a nerve with mopar! Brice Road is a tradition. Cops are always there and the reynoldsburg ones are usually assholes. Some people will be morons but morons come with every crowd from fords to gm guys. I really only like brice road because its close to my house not to far of a drive. Every year the cops get worse and worse I dont think they realize how much money they will lose in reynoldsburg if everyone starts going to heath instead.
    • Confused 1
  3. Thanks to eveyone that came out last night. It was an awsome party, and i hope all enjoyed. Next time i hope to see more Peeps!!


    If you dident come fuck you!


    And if you followed this thread at all I beat Phil at beerpong. Juat like i said :D


    Wow phil what happened? you can hit someone running full speed with a jordan but cant make a ball into a cup. stick to racquetball jk it was a good time! Great Party though everyone missed a good time if you did not show!

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