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Everything posted by bonacci01

  1. why are you not using it on your cobra? going with sct prp?? will this work on a turbo zetec or is this a cobra-specific package?
  2. the car was bought as a part of a street legal dune buggy project. I will not be needing any parts off of it for the project. The guy I bought it off of in lithopolis had no title for it. You could get one through the bmv, it just takes a few weeks and a few bucks.
  3. Many good parts on this car. No title. Floors are rotted real bad, but all upper panels are good. Engine condition unknown. Asking $600 http://a.im.craigslist.org/3H/pR/oG9IotteVNlaQYcjorVYBAC4EkaF.jpg http://b.im.craigslist.org/qy/JP/VViblaM7t16V9u0pskJexcxCEYsR.jpg http://b.im.craigslist.org/Qn/bi/tyAp9i0wfbRyA9xFk1HjSH1UQESg.jpg I WANT IT GONE!!! OFFERS AND TRADES!!!
  4. $125 I bought this turbo for a project car I am building, but decided to go with a different one. Spins freely. Any questions call me. Anthony 614-558-8199 http://c.im.craigslist.org/WX/r3/IFReIADAzXvbJH1DLBAaIVGBGuX2.jpg
  5. Thanks for the suggestions guys, but upon research of megasquirt 2, it looks as if I would have to solder together boards and components. That is a little out of my interest. Is it possible to buy one ready to plug in and tune?? The sniper tuning looks to have a decent program, but I have yet to find a single person that has used it to tune a FI zetec on any of the focus, zx2, or cougar boards.... maybe ill just have to break down and buy the sct prp (and don't forget these are not like hondas....these motors use maf sensors and return-less fuel systems) fun fun
  6. Ok, to make a long story short: this winter I am taking on a street legal buggy project. I bought a frame that is already titled as a 65 dune buggy. I cut everything VW off of it and am going to swap in a 2.0 zetec motor from the contour/focus/zx2. This will be a very similar setup to the ariel atom for those of you familiar with that, rear engine, rwd, 2 seater. Plans are to turbo the motor on light boost to around 200/200. (buggy weighing ~1200lbs) Now, I currently own a focus and have helped other focus owners build various turbo setups. One bought the sct pro racer package, one ran just mail order burnt chip. The prp runs about 7-800 bucks. Upon researching other alteritives to tune with, I found http://www.snipertuning.com They look to have a decent option that retails for 400 bucks. I want to have a user programable tuning setup because I am sure the setup will change over time. Anyone have experience with the Sniper tuning? Pros/cons??? Help would be appreciated. Thanks - Anthony
  7. thank you god - lol - what up matt
  8. whew...maybe i should just let my work speak for itself.... but I will be back in columbus soon, and I do plan to leave a mark on the car scene around the area in the years to come....in a good way. until then~
  9. I love posters like you, the zenith of negativity. I have no idea who cory is, i don't care what he drives, and i never said i could beat him. You seriously need to get off your "i dont have a life and post whore cr all day so i try and bash new people for no reason" trip. It is commonly known that the people that talk the most know the least, give your mouth a rest. Get a life, get some class, shut up.
  10. I'm not building a 600hp drag car here. Im building a sleek cruiser that can give some bigger cars on the block a run for their money, your not going to rain on my parade so you might as well stop trying now. I am knowledgeable about my car and realistic about its performance limitations and acceptability by other tuners, and I am ok with that. I have plans for the future to build a complete custom scratch-car that will dominate anything road legal in a straight line or through the twisties. That will come with time. Thanks for your warm welcome and good information though!
  11. i agree with ya, only if over 3-400hp though. A fwd car with lsd and drag radials will still get up and go very well, as well as have less powertrain losses that are accociated with rwd. I fully understand the limitaions of fwd, and can appreciate the ability of rwd cars, specifically mid engine, rwd cars. I plan on building an mr2 in the years to come. But for now, i have to work with what I've got, and at anything above 40mph fwd has no ill effects.
  12. i have the rear seats removed along with the spare , so im guessing around 2400 lbs and the zetec only puts out 130 in stock trim, 135tq. what do you expect from a 2.0L and 18 inch intake runners? 220 fwhp in a car thats less than 2500 lbs is not a bad step.....that should be good for high 13s with decent tires and a good driver after i get there, ill save up again for forged internals, a beefy fuel pump, and a lsd and i should be able to mild port my head and make around 300-340whp any thoughts?
  13. thanks for being in my defense. i know custom bodywork is considered a waste of time and money by some, but i would like to think that i did it tastefully and didnt just go buy a junk ass fiberglass body kit off ebay, paint it and slap it on. i plan on going with a euro theme later when my checkbook can take it. and my plan is to have no less than 2-220whp by the time im back in town watch your ass matt and cory! are there ary respectable foci in c-town?
  14. hello all - greetings to you from the shithole of ny state - buffalo - I am from the columbus area, but am currently finishing up a 2 year stent in auto body school up here. The school is ok and everything, but I hate this area. All the car people around here are complete jerk offs, I mean most of you are too, but columbus people at least have a sense of humor. So I basically gave up on the local gatherings and forums. I will frequent this board more. more later heres a little about my pos: 01 focus zx3 Shaved Hatch, shaved sidemoldings, Painted rockers, side turns, doorhandles, squirters, Nightshaded SVT Upper Grill, European Lower Grill, S2 Front Lip, 5% rear, 35% front tint, SVT Headlights, Vellour interior trim, Pioneer Headunit, 17" ADR GT Sports, Eibach sportline springs, pro shocks/dampners, intake, magnaflow cat-back blah blah blah, i have a spare low miles zetec sittin in the garage awaiting a t3 56trim turbo treatment and install before the spring, however this will be my first venture with a turbo setup, so right now im just making sure to do all my homework. http://x2.putfile.com/7/18220100499.jpg http://x2.putfile.com/7/18220005459.jpg http://x2.putfile.com/7/18220094736.jpg thanks to bam614 for taking these pics a while back
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