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Posts posted by Delaney

  1. Huh yeah the saleen was slow without a blower, but gesh lets not bash delaney too much here huh!! I mean if i would have had a 2000 dollar mustang like you then I could have put some money into it but I had a 18000 dollar stang with 18s not 16 in pony wheels that u can pick up at a local used tire shop. Cmon gimmie a break whats the deal!
  2. The black 5.0 is my project. Other than the radio wiring being a complete nightmare its in order. Just needs cleaned up and some basic performance upgrades...which is WILL get :nod:



    Cant wait till spring time, hopefully we will all have the stangs again that will be fun times. Steveo, hoblick, fowler, delaney and all the others on here. Ill have a few goodies goin into mine over the snowy season also! =) Cant wait to see who comes out on top! Oh its on bitches! haha

    P.S. me and steveo need to get with dyno brian and see what we have right now, im curious.

  3. Daddys losin! haha that was funny. Awesome runs though cant wait to see the car in person sometime. Oh yeah I got a job at Wireless with DJ. A Verizon authorized agent. Never did hear anything from the call center. Thanks for all the help though Brian very cool of ya!
  4. My roomate did that for like 6-8 months' date=' made some cash but it does suck ass. it's almost like a cult in which you believe in it, then he realized he was working 10-12 hrs/day 7 days a week. i hated when he would come home... everything was always "positive", he used that damn word in every Effing sentence.[/quote']


    haha yikes! Sounds scary.

  5. A few of my friends and I once walked 16 miles from St Clairsville to my house in Cadiz because we were bored one night. Took us about 8 hours! We took a lot of breaks along the way, throwin rocks sittin in peoples driveways, layin in the middle of the road. Yeah I will never do that again. Was a fun memory though.

    Yeah ok that wasnt unique about myself as my gf said to me so..... ummm I have seen more girl on girl on guy porn than anyone on this board. Not sure about that one but ill think of somethin!

  6. A few of my friends and I once walked 16 miles from St Clairsville to my house in Cadiz because we were bored one night. Took us about 8 hours! We took a lot of breaks along the way, throwin rocks sittin in peoples driveways, layin in the middle of the road. Yeah I will never do that again. Was a fun memory though.
  7. Ah Im not married and I think Delany is an immature, shady ass, piece of shit...And dude quit friend requesting me on myspace, please!


    Thats all I have to say about this thread:)

    Yeah matt with the sluts u like to date I dont think you will ever be married! And as for the immature, shady ass, piece of shit that would be you. I had to keep u in control since u like to party and drink alot and keep u outta fights at bars. I dont do stupid shit like that. Oh well just keep callin me names and talkin shit doesnt matter to me, u have my number if u have such a problem with me come tell me to my face. 7100 sawmill village dr. Other than that ok im really done this time. I forgot dickhead was on here.

  8. Haha alright! Well I dont have enough cash for a laptop at the moment, thats why I was hopin my desktop was worth somethin and then I was gonna get one with that money. But I may have to be savin some cuz I really want one. Ill ask steveo if he might want mine. But I can def use ur help so ill let ya know when im ready. Thanks a lot!
  9. I wasnt tryin to argue with anyone just needed to get it off my chest. Im not callin u if u dont call me. Your the one who stopped talkin to me. So im not gonna chase u around and try to be ur friend. But everyone seems happy now, well except for ur friend situation, so im happy for u and bettina. U made it past 6 months most dont make it that long anymore. If i didnt like having u as a friend I just wouldnt have said anything. I just never got any explaination about anything, u just stopped talkin to me. and even in that post ur puttin me down like ur better than me and more mature since ur married, hahaha. Im not a child and not tryin to act like one, i was just getting a point across also. And its nice to know u "dont give a shit about whats happening in my life." Well I still think I made a good decision about everything, im happy with tara and everything else in my life right now, i know u dont care but just lettin u know anyways. I wont bitch anymore like a high school girl so see u around.
  10. Delaney I didnt care that you broke up with KD that was your choice but you did treat an awesome girl shitty and you always borrowed money from her and never gave any back. You played her and that was shitty. ryan was just looking out for his friends and so was I. I mean I honestly have no problem with what you do with your life. If you dont wanna work and be a bum then great for you. But maybe we didnt wanna be brought down with you. Is it wrong to only want to have somewhat positive people in your life. It was ryans choice to not be friends with you not mine. If I didnt like you I wouldnt of been nice to you like everyday that you were at our house...which was like fucking everyday. just wanted to let you know. BTW Delaney people grow up and do change its called being mature....maybe you should try it sometime. He has always been a good friend to you...you brought this on yourself. oh and i did realize that you find out who your true friends are after marriage....i still have my 2 best friends since 2nd grade that i talk to almost everyday and everyone else has just been to stubborn to be happy for me bc im married and dont sleep around and party all the damn time. sorrry i had to rant also. :(


    Are u hoblicks spokesperson now, cant talk for himself. I never barrowed money from kd first off. Im not a bum, bums dont have a 700 dollar a month apt, money, cars, dogs, cats, blah blah blah. Hell what do u guys think that if u stayed my friend bcuz i lost my job then u guys would lose urs too, that makes no sense. I wasnt at ur damn house everyday, only when ryan asked me over, and u didnt like when he had people over u wanted all the free time to urself. I am a mature person, from the stupid fights I saw between u and ryan u do some pretty immature things urself, everyone does. Ryan always said he didnt care if I broke up with kd or not that was my decision, I thought I was more of a friend to him than kd was. But then u and kd became friends and so hoblick had to keep on his wifes side. Oh well I have alot of friends, ryan is the only closer one I lost from all this. Dumb shit like this happens in life and u learn things about people. I have a lot of friends, and they are all doing fine, just like me. No negativity here, im a pretty positive person and a damn good friend. Im glad I got this out though bcuz everytime hoblick calls steve or whatever it bothers me bcuz its like I fell off the face of the earth. Doesnt say or ask anything about me or how im doin. Went from good friends to nothin.

    Has this ever happened to anyone, or does everyone here actually have real friends.?

  11. Well I think its messed up that since I broke up with Kadi and lost my job at honda everyone just thought I was a loser and needed to get my priorities straight. Now sayin I need to get my priorities straight I could see that coming from a friend because they care about me as a friend and dont want to see anything shitty happen to me. But then just kicking me to the curb and everyone, well not everyone but u all know who u are, just stops talking to me because of these 2 things is fucked up. I know for a fact hoblick and pretty much everyone I know has made stupid decisions that lead to shitty things happening to them or there friends, but I NEVER judge my friends and look at them differently because of losing thier jobs or not wanting to be with a certain girl. Now I dont know if this has anything to do with kd and bettina becoming little buddies because me and kd dated or not, but I know that bettina was pissed about me breaking up with kd. I can understand that, but should I have just lead her on and on and on and just acted like I was into the relationship when i tried my hardest and couldnt be? I think I did the right thing for what my feelings were about her, and if I lost some friends because of it then my friends that are still around are def my real friends. I could go on and on about shit like this but im done now I have wasted enough of ur time.

    It just seems to me that hoblick seems to think he is better than all of his friends now bcuz he suddenly jumped out of the crazy party slutty irresponsible days of his life into being settled down and just nothing like he used to be. It just seemed like that happened overnight and he acts like hes always been like he is now but thats def not true. I was happy for him and still am for gettin married and being happy and settling down. But I just felt like the last time we talked was messed up and damnit ok im done. Its late, goodnight

  12. Ok well first off my specs.

    I had it built at custom comp warehouse.

    2.8ghz pentium 4

    dvd r/rw and floppy drive

    asus p4r800-v dl

    mem, ddr pc-3200 256mb

    atx mid x series silver tower

    7200rpm 80gig hd w/8mb

    ati radeon 9100 igp

    windows xp home edition

    soundmax digital integrated audio

    2 front usb ports 3 in rear

    17in proview lcd monitor

    nextech black keyboard and mouse.


    And as for what I want in the laptop. I have seen quite a few with some good specs online, comparable to mine. I use my comp for music and movies a lot so something that would hold and run those very well. And with connections that I could connect it to my hk receiver. I know the basics on comps but not everything so if anyone can help please do. THanks everyone. I would like to have the hd monitor. I have seen a few of those and really like them. Saw one on a dell comm for like 729 so im hopin I can get a fair trade. Hopefully, but I know u all have bunches of laptops and wanna help me out, haha.

  13. Does anyone know of anybody that wants a desktop and has a laptop to trade?? I just bought my desktop last year so its not quite out of date yet.

    Just let me know, I dont just want to sell my comp without having a laptop to buy or trade at the same time, cant really go without a comp if u know what i mean. Thanks!

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