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Posts posted by 98fiveseven1647545503

  1. I would say absolutely. No shop is out there doing work for free if they can avoid it. I would be hesitant about this deal because if the shop finds out nothing they did caused the issue...the owner of said car could/should get a bill for the tear down.



    I kinda hope that is how things pan, just for all the negative talk he has been doing about the shop in the office. He is kinda one of those guys that will try to drag you through the mud if he doesn't get what he thinks he deserves, and then if he gets surprised even after the nay saying he would gladly swing on dem nuts. Not to mention he is trying to throw big power through a relatively stock drivetrain (upgraded clutch:fuuuu: ) and expects everything to hold....

  2. wow, I am amazed they would. Not to bash but admire their ethic...what shop?


    Im not going to throw a shop name out since it is not my car/troubles but this is also why this shop has the good/great reputation they do.


    What would happen if the shop gets the car back there, opens it up and finds that the problem was exisiting before they touched the car, or was totally unrelated to the work that they did?


    Would the customer be liable for the tow charge and any labor involved?

  3. IMO if chose to drive a car away he also likely signed that the car was delivered to him to his satisfaction. At least I've never picked up a car and not signed somethign to the effect that all is good and I'm taking it home.


    There's no intent here to place blame, but I see the owner as fully accountable for having made a poor judgement.


    I fully agree.

  4. Classic case where the customer has no idea what hes doing, makes specific statements and mandates to a shop, the shop complies, and the customer doesn't understand the repercussions of his own ignorant moves. Now he will blame the shop (foolishly) for something that is not their fault.


    I agree there are parts missing here... like where he ran it up to 180 mph on the way home and grenaded 2 cylinders.


    He installed a FP Black turbo and tubular manifold himself (I watched refusing to touch the car myself other than to start a couple of hte manifold nuts bc he couldn't get to it somehow, which he then tightened himself).


    He was doing some pulls to send to his tuner to lean it out and fine tune it before cams and a vaccum hose became disconnected from the turbo, 45psi and lifted the head, the next day on the way to work the temp spikes and he shuts the car off, changed the t-stat and went to the gym same song and dance.


    Then finds coolant leaking everywhere and the car is puffing some white smoke.


    then a couple weeks later loads it up to take it to the shop for the work mentioned above.

  5. So he asked to have the car fixed, car does not run right when he picks it up, drives it home anyway?


    Seems like there are some parts to this story missing.


    He asked the shop to install head studs, new gaskets, check the head and make sure it is good to go, big cams, and valvesprings, he has a different tuner he was working with (remote tuning), with the only guidance from his tuner was dont get into boost.


    When he started the car the other day to ask what I thought, it initially sounded like a big cam EVO that was not tuned for the cams, I am not familiar with EVO mods and how they affect the drivability of the cars.

  6. Okay guys, this is meant in an objective way not to place blame on either party. Mainly to discuss ways to go about things. I am on the outside looking in on a particular situation.


    I trailered a co-workers car to a highly reputable shop in the central Ohio area a couple weeks ago as he lifted the head on his Mitsu. from an overboost situation. Car ran, smoked bad and dumped coolant, but didn't seem overly "hurt".


    The car gets the necessary machine work on the head, head studs, and GSC S-3 cams. He goes to pick the car up and it will barely start, and supposedly runs horrible ( go figure as the car wasn't tuned - per customer request). Well said customer decided to drive it from the Columbus area back to the Dayton area in this condition, not questioning anything from the shop. The car finally gets back to the area courtesy of a rollback.


    He then finds out that 2 cylinders are a swimming pool with fuel. So he removes the standing fuel to rule out ignition problems, only to find the cylinders filled up again. I told him he needs to have his injectors checked to see if they are leaking or even stuck open. He decides to do a compression test to find out the 2 cylinders that had the fuel problems have 0 compression, and the other 2 are reading 150, and 165.


    Now that you have the story would the shop or the customer be on the hook for any repairs to correct the problem?

    I would say since he decided to drive the car in a state that could potentially cause damage he, at that point accepted responsibility for any possible damage that could result by driving the car any distance, and by not pushing for more answers from the shop. I also think that shop did exactly what they were asked to do, and that there is a possibility that the car may have had a larger issue that didn't fully show until after the basic problems were corrected - which is just speculation based off of some information my co-worker had said when he lifted the head (45psi and the car still stayed fairly fat regarding AFR.

  7. The worst part is gonna be the BS you're gonna have to deal with concerning the USAF/Tricare.


    Glad to see you're ok, even if you don't visit us lowly car people anymore :p:D


    Yeah I hear it is messy lol, but its okay. As far as USAF is really concerned i had all of my req'd PPE and that, my leadership is all positive and im sure ill have paperwork to fill out since its a big statistic they track...


    ive been grinding away on the car on weekends to get it out again, (easier to drive I70 there and back then ride it lol) but those plans got smashed lol still got a positive attitude so thats good, just hate this "helpless" state im in at the moment!

  8. yeah it got 2 of us. ironically we were going for the Icon Moto summer tour thing and it was my icon helmet that saved my life!


    so yeah the gear works pretty good, and icon and shift (IMO) make it cool to wear! Cant wait to get it fixed, get healed and get back out there. My bike was performing strongly and i was finally getting comfy on it at the track. ohwell. No I just gotta figure out how im getting the Camaro finished now that i can barely piss on my own lol

  9. So hear is the story. Me and one of my friends were heading to @Quaker Steak and Lube for bike night to see some of my biker buddies from back home. Traffic was clean and smooth on I-70 all the way to 270, passed sawmill rd and not quite to SR315. left lane running speed limit with traffic. (left lane due to typical traffic madness around SR315 US23 ond I270) The green SUV atleast 2-3 seconds ahead of me slams on their brakes. Enough to get it walking back and fourth in the lane. He exits fast to the lane on the right. I look to see if its clear to follow and it wasnt. I tried my damndest to make it to the left berm which has plenty of MC room for emergency purpose. Not sure if the girl in the ford focus swerved left too nor not, but I caught the left rear corner of her car with the beautiful front end of the busa*FML* From here things happened to fast for memory but i come off the bike as it goes in front of me (thank god)!!!I then stood up to go assist my friend to see if his gf was ok. Scott then instructed me to sit down, and helped me remove my helmet. I then proceded to ask Scott if he thought my clavical I then sat down and a nice gentleman retrieved my phone from the trunk of my bike, so i proceded to notify Kayla and my parents of this accident. They are all on ther way to riverside hospital.


    I then got loaded into the ambulance for transportation. From there I updated a facebook status and such nots from my stretcher, whch by the way isnt a very comfy item to lay back on.


    busted up the bike pretty bad, broke my right collar bone, and got some legit roadrash.


    Never trust a person driving on their cell phone. I wont use mine again while driving without hands free devices that are actually functional, not speakerphone



    apologies for typos ... left hand typin only

  10. Hey guys! wanted to check in with you all! just want to make sure everyone is staying safe! Just had a brush with death wednesday. Walked away with a broken bone and some mild rash. Thank god fro Icon helmets and Shift gear!
  11. Very interesting read LOL from asshole neighbors to cheating whores and teh butthurt! Take the high road, if it doesnt work have fun with it, but make sure you cover your ass.


    As far as your roommate goes a wise SSgt once shared with me, never share a foxhole with someone braver than yourself...

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