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Everything posted by badhabits_blubyu

  1. Bitch, I'm from CANAL W. graemlins/gives.gif
  2. badhabits_blubyu


    When scared you should seek help or go to church! Is only lethal if you dont know what your doing. Me in the other hand I do alright...
  3. DIG race for $50 ,you got the break ?
  4. badhabits_blubyu


    I'm illiterate, LOOK AT WHAT YOUR DRIVING How many cars do you need fag?
  5. What part of IT"S STOCK don't you understand Crash
  6. badhabits_blubyu


    [ 19. July 2005, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: badhabits_blubyu ]
  7. badhabits_blubyu


    Big nasty nitrous shot a v8 and all that mph and your scared of a bone stock 600.Do you want me to drive it for you then since you have a lack of driving skill. Cuz you cant race off the line? graemlins/nutkick.gif [ 19. July 2005, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: badhabits_blubyu ]
  8. badhabits_blubyu


    Linn where's my race? No freeway bullshit. You got 10 and the hit from a DIG for $100!
  9. drag racing is for a full stop to the finish line if u have to roll race your not really drag racing then are you?
  10. Hi i'm Matt,I have a gsxr 600 lowered and streched. its a bucket
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