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Status Updates posted by wnaplay1647545503

  1. Whats the difference between 72 and 73?
  2. Whats the temp range on that freezer? Can it be set to operate around 42 degrees like a fridge?
  3. Whats up with the turtles?
  4. Where do you live? I am on Rugosa, off Brice.
  5. Whos driving the 3rd car to the track?
  6. Why are you always selling stuff I want but have no reason to buy?
  7. Why are you getting rid of the bike so soon?
  8. Yeah I was there. Did you make it? I was gone about 1:30.
  9. Yessir, hope to see you there
  10. You crack me up.:D I heart you so much.
  11. you guys do vehicle wraps?
  12. You related to bobby litz by chance? I seen the last name.
  13. Your pm box is full. How much would NTB charge me to take a look at the wifes van to see what if anything is wrong? I know I will need some tires and an alignment soon but I dont want any surprises and would like to know prior to getting them what else may need fixed so I can save up some cashola.
  14. Your reply to the guy who asked why you need attention made me smile. I had a kinda rough day and needed a smile.
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