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Everything posted by VikingY3K

  1. Kid is good. If I get time I'm going to try and play this on guitar, seems like it would be fun to play.
  2. lmao on the repeat. Looks like she needs to find another job/hobby.
  3. I don't doubt, but this should be done with pics...for proof of course^^.
  4. I can't tell if that was on purpose or a mistake...
  5. lol, it looked like he hit pretty hard(might feel that in the morning).
  6. This tests your reaction time, as if you were drawing against someone. As it says .200 to .250 is a good average to have.
  7. My avg. is .181 with a best of .158 which I got .126 and a 1.32 on. If you play enough and get lucky you can get it under .100, but you have to hit it as soon as it pops up. Have fun http://www.ohiofastdraw.org/images/reaction.swf
  8. This probly is a repost, but I thought it was interesting enough to share to those who haven't seen it. Strobers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY5et2t2dn4
  9. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/VikingY3K/Nexttime.jpg ...
  10. Both owned by the same person...
  11. I don't know if its because I'm dead tired or what, but that 2girls1cup video didn't make me flinch. I just said to myself...."thats just toothpaste".
  12. 1st Sheep 1: 0.129 Sheep 2: 0.211 Sheep 3: 0.122 Sheep 4: 0.192 Sheep 5: 0.124 Avg: 0.1556 2nd Sheep 1: 0.132 Sheep 2: 0.125 Sheep 3: 0.189 Sheep 4: 0.126 Sheep 5: 0.200 Avg: 0.1544 Yay go me!!
  13. http://www.marion.ohio-state.edu/spiderweb/SpiderPictures/Loxoscelidae/Loxosceles%20rufescens.htm Thats what it is. As long as you don't piss it off it won't bite you.
  14. It was working fine for me, idk... ??
  15. ......stay to the end or you'll miss the message Soldier~ http://s113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/VikingY3K/?action=view&current=PerhapstheBestFordCommercialEverSol.flv
  16. Getting weighed~ Joe took his blind date to the carnival. "What would you like to do first, Kim?" asked Joe. "I want to get weighed," she said. They ambled over to the weight guesser. He guessed 120 pounds. She got on the scale; it read 117 and she won a prize. Next the couple went on the ferris wheel. When the ride was over, Joe again asked Kim what she would like to do. "I want to get weighed," she said. Back to the weight guesser they went. Since they had been there before, he guessed her correct weight and Joe lost his dollar. The couple walked around the carnival and again he asked where to next. "I want to get weighed, "she responded. By this time, Joe figured she was really weird and took her home early, dropping her off with a handshake. Her roommate, Laura, asked her about the blind date, "How'd it go?" Kim responded, "Oh, Waura, it was wousy."
  17. Try to photograph Superman http://hk.promo.yahoo.com/movie/superman/Stop_Press_Game/
  18. Honestly...that dude would have been fucked if that kid could fight. He slipped on that kick...lucky for him, bad for the other kid.
  19. Fight for kisses http://s113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/VikingY3K/?action=view&current=fight-for-kisses.flv
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