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Everything posted by SiColin

  1. SiColin

    wheels /wtt

    thanks for posting a pic, if you want to see another pic of them on an integra, just go to my personal gallery at ohiohondas
  2. SiColin

    wheels /wtt

    trade you some gsr blades
  3. nice car good luck with the sale, if your ever willing to part it out let us know
  4. nice car good luck with the sale, if your ever willing to part it out let us know
  5. willing to sell the bottle seperate?
  6. what was wrong with your old motor? Wouldn't it have been easier to just turbo your motor you got now instead of buying this one?
  7. i might be interested in the opener or the heater, i'll let you know here soon
  8. SiColin


    is he able to tune as well?
  9. nice looking bike, have fun man.
  10. thats cool then, just let me know if you ever will
  11. i had a 94 four door civic and i took some time to look up the actual weight of it and i think it ended up wiehging less than the coupes by like 50 or so pounds. I drove a damn four door for a lil over a year and it spanked the coupes with the same mods. H22 is a nice pic, and good luck with it. IMO not that it matters to much anymore but i would have went with a b18b and a zex kit, and after some time selll the kit and go turbo.
  12. if your willing to part out? how much for the heater?
  13. SiColin


    looking to get my car dynoed and tuned, anyone know of any good places?
  14. o ok thanks, well it looks like i'll be heading up to trails tomorrow then.
  15. SiColin

    ZEX ???

    well i got some ngk, and tried it out. the car runs good with out any problems or leaks.
  16. I have a 97 integra and my nitrous is mounted in my trunk. Since i have a hatch back will i still be able to pass tech, or will i need to get some kind of safety thing for it?
  17. SiColin

    ZEX ???

    yeah thats what im affraid of, i dont need to start spending all my money on it. im hoping to save up some more money and get started on a turbo setup. any recommendations on spark plugs to get? I know zex makes some but there alot of money.
  18. SiColin

    ZEX ???

    o yeah one other thing, anyone know of a good place to fill nitrous bottle's at?
  19. SiColin

    ZEX ???

    yeah thanks for all the help, im a dumbass and hook it up to the wrong sensor. i had it mounted on the top sensor and it needed to be mounted to the red and black wire on the sensor on thhe side of the throttle body.
  20. SiColin

    ZEX ???

    well i first connected it to the red wire on it then i tried another wire and neither one worked. what is the correct wire? there are three of them red, green, and i think yellow.
  21. SiColin

    ZEX ???

    ok so i got everything all wired up and i go to activate my zex kit. i turn on my car but not start it all the way, turn on the switch for the nitrous. On the zex NM the red light comes on without pressing in the button on the NM, i press in the button anyways and push in the accelerater all the way for 10 seconds like it says so in the instructions. i release the pedal and there is suppose to be a light blinking from red to green, but there isnt one. its just red. i checked the switch wiring and its all fine i cant figure out what i did wrong, does anybody have any clue of what i might have done.
  22. yeah i saw it about two weeks ago and thought it was pretty good. i recommend that everyone should just go and see before they make comments about it.
  23. hmm would be cool to finally go to a meet.
  24. 3rd or 2nd on confused now, just let me know if chief dont buy it.
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