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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. this is the type the neighbor has for a grand but it has the pad you stand on. if you are interested in it pm me I give you his number http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.planopower.com/scag/images/scag_swz.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.planopower.com/scag/swz.html&usg=__pv13J9mCd3d883a0EsbPUQbHyck=&h=289&w=331&sz=9&hl=en&start=9&itbs=1&tbnid=glAqnhnfyVp5SM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=119&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dscag%2Bmower%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1
  2. My min pin is 11-12 as well. I am dreading when this day comes for him.
  3. Wht dont the feed? I am getting a 1911 a1 real soon
  4. You are hot, don't ruin it with tats. Tats on girls cover up a god given gift
  5. 1. Those violins are realy cool from a design standpoint 2. That is pretty badass
  6. He is so cool it's Rotarded.
  7. did you mean $1,600 or $16,000 as typed ?
  8. I saw the unicorn the other day, it made it clear to hilliard.
  9. Funny thing is people race most every week, you are just a know it all ass and are therefore never clued in. But please don't leave I realy don't know what we will do without a grandma car racing db
  10. Just call/pay andy and forget about it
  11. Dodge has been making questionable cars way before yota started. SO maybe it should read Toyota is the new dodge
  12. Buckeye1647545503


    Anyone up for going down to see some of the rugby games at crew stadium. I have never seen a game but it always looked like a fun game. News said they are playing all 3 days (fri-sun)
  13. Funny thread will read again
  14. No that is the price we heard people talking about it before hand, but thought naa can't be. Oh and I was dressed nice (dress shirt etc) ) and either way I don't care what you think your bar is fyi you are just another bar in a mall.
  15. That + k-car wagon= fun ass sleeper. Or that + H1 =cool h1 that is not underpowered like norm. Or that + gremlin =handfull and a half (but worth it)
  16. I could not make it. 2min is all of that d-bag I can take
  17. We went there sat night. When we got to the door we were informed it was a $20 cover. We said f that and left. We then went to arena district and had a good time.
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