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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Damn I must need new glasses http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jgeist/omg/Ray_Can_t_See_Shit.jpg
  2. I have 2 Mike and I are gonna post up the vid of use drag racing them soon
  3. I don't see Danica being around for alot of years. I have talked to a close friend of one of her teammates and he haited her and it is a well known fact by track workers that she is a bitch on wheels (punn intended). I am betting people get tired of her crap since she doesn't win races ether. But we will see. She is like a couple hot celeb's super hot but for one reason or anouther should never talk (jessica simpson for example)
  4. The stock turbo is so cute! lol
  5. Thats better hal ..... the world is good again!
  6. Hal you are slipping at finding new ways to tell people to die.......
  7. I have heard the one in the arena district has that and they recline
  8. Ben I don't think he whould do that and he also does not play in M ether
  9. Who is jordan? Is he the kid with the fruity S2K?
  10. There is no problem for him liking usc, No prob for him not liking osu. But in the way he said it is disrespectfull
  11. I don't care ether way about pro football but for someone to insult the most loyal group of fans from a state you work in and knowing many of those fans are also his fans that make him money by buying tic's and jerseys and crap is just a stupid move.
  12. I guess, I seldom have a problem and the few times I did I just stood up and talked very loud to draw attn the problem and told then to knock it the f off now. (Being the size I am has advantages when trying to intimidate people). So far that has always worked and I have gotten applause twice as well .
  13. http://blogs.usatoday.com/gameon/2008/07/carson-palmer-r.html many of "those people" are the reason he has a job in this state....
  14. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=38548818
  15. Did anyone watch the link in the "extras" ? From what I see had no members at all in it but is gonna make people think it is us since it is attached to the story
  16. yes but (insert mini joke here)
  17. The who? Jk the games are alot more fun to go to than one whould think watching that crap on tv
  18. 4 eye FTW do a little cleaning under the hood and it should make a fun ride
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