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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. The cap off is not enough to make bullets fit
  2. Losing makes me sad but for christ's sake we have won every game in the last 2 seasons but 2 that is a stat I can live with. And Only Kansas has made it to now with out a loss. I am STILL very proud of our team
  3. Speak english you MF's ... Damn computer talk
  4. +1 for jeff he got me double the min and saved me $20 a month too. And he can get any phone.
  5. I can get the parts any day of the week if you want the stuff just pay for it and it is yours
  6. I am also looking for a set of stock painted 17 inch stang wheels
  7. ^ Only when the damm neighbors on dirt bikes shot at it
  8. Sam it is time for something else after you make a 9.90 pass. THEN it is time to go with something else. Maybe a jet car
  9. I whould have ran the pipe through the hood and put a flame thrower setup on it!!
  10. Give him a little more time to get back with her. I have known him around 10 years and know he whould not damage his good name on purpose. I belive he is most likely haveing some problems as I can't seem to reach him lately ether and that has only happened once when he was having issiues with his son's birth.
  11. They where just talking about this on Wnci. Sad to se good sportsmanship is dieing
  12. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/29/45783906_1c748fe641_m.jpg
  13. "What?" I hate repeating myself so this alway po's me
  14. It Sucks Big balls I will be going BACK to Wis (instead of watching up beat up on Wis) and I will not be able to see it at all
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