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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. I did not forget you man I just took a new job and got real busy real quick
  2. So My dad bought a 67 econoline pickup in Wisconson and we were going to go pick it up this last weekend. Our Blue van started having signs of a plugged cat on wed so I did not think we where going. But saturday he decides that we are going in the Red van he just bought anf I did a crap load of mechanical worf to to make it super trusty, (We did this to the blue one 5 years ago and have done almost nothing to it since). Anyway this truck it about a 9 out out of 10. Paint is almost perfect and interior is the same. So with 15 min notice I pack cloths and jump in the truck. We drive to the west side of Chi. and while fueling we notice a belt sep in a tire. So we stop in Rockford for the night and get a room. We go down the street to find out where the tire shop is so we can get a tire first thing in the morn. We find it and head back to the room as we are going through a big intersection a blue fusion turns straight in front of us. He stops so we slow and try to swere around him, we were about clear of him and he then pulls foward again and we smashinto him. Our 4k+ van and 1700 pound car trailer come to a dead stop. Our van is now junk it crushed the complete left front corner and shoved the tire and suspention into the wheel well. So there we sit 2 states away with no wheels and now sore and stiff. He was sited and had insurance but it took till late afternoon sun to get us a rental car causing us to have to drive back to col after driving the 2 hours up to at least see the damn pickup so at 6pm we got to head home not geting home untill 5am and I had to work at 9 . So Now our van and trailer is in Rockford AND we have to go back again to get the truck AND now we have to fight with the damn insurance company AND all the work I did on the new truck is wasted Sorry for the long post just want to Bitch and moan a bit
  3. You normaly have to give them at least 250 to get your car huh?
  4. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l318/onelargeprawn/coconutcrab.jpg
  5. Man this would be a good one for a motor swap since it is so clean. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FORD-PINTO-1974_W0QQitemZ170148615619QQihZ007QQcategoryZ6057QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Fired up the grill and had hamburgers and brats..... Damn good!
  7. Sounds like he got the kick in the ass he needed. And I fully agree with this certian subject, I am big (not wide persay) but I have enoughprob flying with out being in pain and if someone is entering my space I whould be very unhappy. Plus I have a personal issue with touching a strange person for a long period of time
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