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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Matt the prep work is way more important than who sprays it. You whould be beeter off to let a trained guy get it ready and you paint it after a quick lesson than the other way around. A good paint job is 65% prep, 20% Quality of materials, used 15% painters skill and and a little of weather and Shear luck
  2. Dave (gass, grass, ass) has plumers Crack does that count?
  3. Dude 8 weeks, you missed Thorne beating Sam in a dig race, Dr.zo6 beating Coltbostin in a foot race (well in truth is Colt tripped and ran himself into a wall but hey a win is a win), Tinman sold all the rx7's and bought a Hybrid, Said it was goinig to be the baddest ever. Turborust got tired of losing to Ls powered cars and bought a jet car to DD. And last but not least Tj became a daddy. Shit the last one realy happened but sounded as out there huh Oh and welsome back
  4. Buy new lug nuts Buy black paint for the calipers
  5. Leave the top and bottom alone and put the orange strip on it so it looks correct
  6. That is not Kyle's car is it ?
  7. Jegs has them my buddy used one for his turbo setup
  8. Rob I think you just went back two years in your posting skills! I hope you where drunk
  9. Yes too watch and hope to god sell the cobra jet body.
  10. So you can bet it has more than that since Sam and Linn both would never come totaly clean on there set ups. Ether way I can't hang till mine gets boost I know that (and most likely not then ether )
  11. I am going up Sat and maybe staying over for sunday. Who else is going up ?
  12. Scott you can't say that...... AAA fuck it yes you can. God bless America!
  13. Got nothing Eric I need some for mine as well. I am just going to order new ones since they are cheap and not bent and rust free. DUDE YOU WILL NEVER GET THAT MUCH YOUR STUPID
  14. How many miles on it ?
  15. Where ? Those old rangers are way more usefull when left alone and weld the hood shut
  16. Call ether Rolla or Keven on here they are your testicles only hope
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