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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. Contact me if you want to see it in person http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4617004551&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:US:1
  2. anyonr know what is up with flathat ? (as in my sig?)
  3. Nope he is just a tool, no excuses needed
  4. I will try to make it sun is my norm day off but I need to work to catch up so I might be able to take "lunch"
  5. should have bought a honda man
  6. now they are worth 1.2 now, supply and demand
  7. damn Gene simmons gained some weight
  8. I would rather tillys or hell even the big bird than that
  9. so they don't street race, Are they backing out of a track day as well ?
  10. I would rather have a car I can drive everyday (for the most part) than a uber rare, stupid expensive garage eater
  11. I need a Computer for the Shop. Where is the best places for new AND used. I don't want to spend a ton as it is for a shop unit. I need it tobe at least: 2.0Ghz 512MB mem 100Gb HD Dual layer DVD-ROM drive I know you guys say :thumbup: for Dell, what about Gateway? If anyone has "hook ups" that would be awsome TIA
  12. Man that song just about put me to sleep
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