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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. 205 50 15 h or better Not sure if $ will be there Be might be
  2. plus he is from grove city ALL the mustangs from there are slow!! Just ask the z06 kids
  3. Ya I am reading "Nutrition for dummies" at the moment and it is pretty good as it is basic since as we could tell I did not know how to eat well before, so I am learning that. But what about tips and tricks and a good outline on putting together a good rutine (SP?) and I would think I would need to take additional supliments while lifting hard, But I don't want to be trying to figure out what is the "net greatest thing" and what I need to take to see good results. I am not looking to be Ronnie coleman or what not, as I am big enough and I don't want to be "cut" just fit and maybe slght abs would be good
  4. And yes it is mostly labor as ALL of the end result in paint work is tied to the quality of the preperation of the car prior to picking up a paint gun. Yes you can find a guy to paint the car for 500 or so but you gotta look at his results on other stuff before you go for it, becouse unless he is for example like Rolla and anal about what he will let leave his shop, then you end up with a car worth less than before you had it painted.
  5. If you intend on playing with sam and such I would watch the gear set as well as wraping it up at the track 1/4 mile at a time is 1 thing but a cruise is anouther
  6. Ya that is what I was thinking I want to get a good grasp on the principles and muscles as far as what vitiamns and minerals are needed, when is a good time to lift what should be eaten while lifting etc etc. I have a basic understanding from lifting in school but I never learned the other stuff that goes with it.
  7. Dude WTF these guys drive a car that weighs much less than a drift car, on a surface with less grip AND it is less steady since the texture changes AND the the car has somewhere along the line of 700 horse power. These guys don't even use the brakes, they stear with the throttle. These guys could do it and well except they have grown up and most likely can't stand the "OMG dude yo check it ! Yo thats tight yo yo yo" Crap
  8. I would like to find a good book to read on the basics of lifting. I want to start and quickly begin to do more than just exercise so I need to get a good grasp of the basics. What are good books? What is the best?
  9. I have a cheapy trailer that we use for a golf cart that you could use
  10. Buckeye Auto parts has one listed and I know that Fat Kat has one as well and I am sure that cowl hoods are made for that car pick up a mustang mag and look
  11. fur = graemlins/nonono.gifgraemlins/puke.gif but the rest looks graemlins/thumb.gif
  12. you have the best looking year and you want to mess it up ? why would you do that ?
  13. Some people don't post pics becouse you are not going to buy it with out seeing it in person, you would not buy one out of the paper with out going to see it so just get off your asses and go look at the damn cars!
  14. HAHAHAHAHA Man I would totaly buy you as a Bubba!
  15. How about a marker light and some centercaps and a heat sheild for a 1996 contour?
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6783&item=7969686377&rd=1
  17. ttt All cars listed are still avail and MUST SELL I need to move
  18. I have WoW and I love it to the point I was just thinking how it is gonna suck not have it if I ever get to move
  19. Boy Bahamas......... aaa Ok sounds kind of fruity to me
  20. Not a bad guess I think since I am a Mustang guy at heart. I do Realy like the olds though, Dave remember Brians F85 ?
  21. Glad you are ok and you should buy my Thunderbird as it is a super daily!
  22. Weren't you running added boost from stock as well ? I would say turbo seals as well
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