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Posts posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. Wait a minute...What do you expect to gain by pulling the a/c? Are you doing an engine upgrade that will make the use of a/c impossible? Or do you just want to make August unbearable for yourself? Is your a/c functioning right now? If not, LEAVE IT ALONE! You'll appreciate it in a couple of months. Besides, you won't gain that much by lifting the a/c. At least not much more than big headaches. Does your car run a serpentine belt? If so, definately need a new belt, maybe a different tensioner too.
  2. Urethane definately better than 'glass. But, still asking for trouble with that frt end on a daily. Had a guy bring Cobra R into the shop from Ricart a couple of weeks ago. I almost stepped on that splitter myself! Just remember that the front end of your car gets the most abuse from the daily grind. You need to think about more than parking curbs with that thing on the front end. You need to think about steep driveways, speed bumps, frost heaves on our lovely highways, and also the servicability of the car. Lowering a car can make simple things like alignments and oil changes tough anyway, but did you think about how anyone will get the car onto an alignment rack when the front bumper is only 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches off the ground?! NOT :cool:
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