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Posts posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. Who has done both?


    I have always been a night time lifter but here recently due to my schedule I've had to start lifting at about 5am. I have actually noticed that my workouts are better in the morning and I think it could be due to a few factors...


    -Less people in the gym

    -Pre-workout seems to have more effect on an empty/near empty stomach

    -Testosterone is highest in the AM

    -Well rested and not tired from the work day


    I seem to be more productive at work throughout the day as well. What are your guys' views on this and have you had similar experiences or other experiences?



    those last two items

  2. http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-slippery-appeal-of-the-biggest-new-band-in-america



    Last summer, pop radio began playing a fiendish earworm about two young men who feared the ordinary demands of adulthood. A year later, those men have become the biggest new band in America. You may not be familiar with Twenty One Pilots—they’re a slippery phenomenon, selling out arenas while remaining nearly invisible to those outside their active fan base—but you’d know the hook of “Stressed Out” if you heard it: the song has enjoyed non-stop airplay for almost a year. Tyler Joseph, the twenty-seven-year-old vocalist and songwriter for the band, composes in hooks; his melodies sound like bar darts swooping toward a bull’s-eye, and the “Stressed Out” chorus is as bright as its minor key will allow. “If we could turn back time,” Joseph sings, “to the good old da-ays, when our mama sang”—and here’s where your ears might prick up in recognition—“us to sleep, but now we’re stressed out.”

  3. Was wondering if anyone had any low key websites or inside ways of getting the best price for flights.


    Me and a buddy flying to Seattle WA from Cleveland August 12-18th. Best price I found was about $322 which isn't bad but wanted to see if anything else could be found before purchasing.


    I know there are seats that go cheap if they are left over from flights but those can be iffy since if the flight is filled then you have to wait next flight and so on.


    Anyway, I'd still be interested in more general info on how people get the best prices on flights other than a quick google search and/or if you guys know of a company that is offering a deal on that exact flight CLE->Seattle





    $322 seems very decent ... I'd snap book that ...

  4. ask them for a letter stating that. Otherwise it often takes 30-60 days or more for it to be removed from your report


    1-6 hours my lender will get a fax stating this has been done

    3-5 days will be the removal

    7-10 days I get a letter


    by the 10 day mark this should trigger an automatic score recalculation


    ^^^ says lady from chase credit bureau department

  5. It has a balance and isn't delinquent? So you are making payments on it? Maybe I read that wrong.


    No ... I think this is from an old GF from way back.


    It shows on my credit report as an Authorized User but I've never made a payment on it. The account doesn't show as "negative" or cause me a functional problem other than this one major time I need it.


    However, I'm applying for a mortgage and they are holding it against me in the DTI calcs (if saying that correctly).


    I can contact Experian (and others) according to their website documentation and they will remove authorized users accounts at the person's request.


    I reached someone at Chase tonight who told me to contact their 'credit bureau' department and they can get me to next steps.


    tl;dr - Stay on top of your credit. After fixing a bunch and paying off a ton, I should get a +60pt swing after ~6 weeks of work.

  6. Dear CR,


    How do you handle an unknown credit card on your credit report? (Amex Credit Secure)


    Its a Chase Bank card and I only have the first 8 digits of the card, account start date (years back), and a basic history (high balance - non-delinquent). I'm purchasing a house and handing this will improve my overall score.


    I called chase, they looked at my accounts and do not see it on my record(s). I went to the branch and got the same answer(s) when they looked in the computer.


    ^^^ This includes being an authorized user on another person's card.


    They advised calling/mailing Experian directly but thought CR might have some shortcuts?

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