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Everything posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. scroll ... scroll .... scroll ... oh look its an automatic ... meh ... nice car
  2. 80s wants their semi-neon-pink-blue colors back nice boat!!!
  3. Just get a new job ... legal recourse is a waste of your time .... regardless if you're right or not ... if there is no financial impact then no one cares
  4. (this space is for sale) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxz36aEXr71qfmagko1_500.jpg
  5. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/image.php?u=1084&dateline=1204056338
  6. http://www.businessinsider.com/wendys-frosty-picture-surfaces-2013-6 http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/51b8da3269beddcf19000014-720-730/wendy
  7. Here is what I used .... less than $2 per sq foot ... creative paints on huntley sells it... I'm using the "light industrial" product http://www.coronadopaint.com/viewprod.asp?prodid=515
  8. You have a larger project than a home garage. But I rented a floor grinder from lowes and had my paint guys run a 2-part coating over it. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8284/7754406738_62ffc2f19e_c.jpg
  9. I used the 30 day return policy form ATT to learn that I fucking hated the new windows phone. Just get one and use it for 30 days, pay the restock and try the other ... get the better one you like
  10. Yep ... I can see myself keeping this phone for a while for apps and music but picking up a next-gen android phone as my primary-business device
  11. New/Smaller font looks cleaner and gets more stuff on the screen New icons look lame with dark background on black phone Reminds of the the windows 8 phone I hated A better settings menu slides from the bottom Overall ... feeling more negative than positive ... http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3834/9014926115_d7d34a3b9a.jpg
  12. Which ones are people using? Low fees? Great software? Mobility? I did a little trading in the early 2000s with Fidelity but the platform they how now isn't too impressive.
  13. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/316/781/33e.jpg
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