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Posts posted by Jackson1647545504

  1. Whatever fatty.... Our dyno reads within 4whp of IPS and Steve's Evo proved that, as well as several other cars. Your pissed and making excuses because we out tune and fix your and Hargett's tunes and blown up Subie's on a daily basis. Oh wait wasen't it your and Eric's tuning shop that went out of business and run out of town??? Oh it was!!!!. Don't you have 10000 degree's of timing to add to every tune and cars to blow up instead of posting??



  2. Go read the article I posted...



    An average CPU can run four instructions per clock cycle, and offer a few thousand to a few million hashes per second. This was never exactly great, but a few years ago it was enough for a low-rent mining operation. But then miners discovered that they could use their GPU instead, which can 3,200 instructions per cycle. The indispensable Bitcoin Wiki describes the shift like this:


    One way to visualize it is a CPU works like a small group of very smart people who can quickly do any task given to them. A GPU is a large group of relatively dumb people who aren't individually very fast or smart, but who can be trained to do repetitive tasks, and collectively can be more productive just due to the sheer number of people.





    * CPU == 4 instructions per cycle

    * GPU == 3200 instructions per cycle

  3. Then that lends to the notion that there is not money to be made in buying the boxes......


    I'd say speculative money ...


    I'm looking to order an ASIC rig but really taking this from a hobby/casual approach. If it turns out break even I'll be happy and worst case I figure to sell any ASIC hardware (near break even) to someone else looking to hoard hundreds of units.

  4. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a certain tech was as good as it's gonna get............ only to be obsolete within a year, lol.


    Makes you wonder though, if it were that cut and dry, why would companies like Butterflylabs even sell miners? Why not just run them instead of selling them?


    there is probably more legit money in selling boxes than running them....

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