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Everything posted by nismo

  1. WHAT,,,,I couldn't live without it!!!!
  2. I would have to remove the whole tranny to do that. If I did that I could just take it somewhere and have it welded. I really don't want to take the tranny out to weld such a small piece.
  3. I would have to remove the whole tranny to do that. If I did that I could just take it somewhere and have it welded. I really don't want to take the tranny out to weld such a small piece.
  4. I am looking for someone who can come to my house(in obetz near Columbus Motor Speedway) and weld my clutch release lever that have a nice sized crack in it. It should only be a few minute job and don't want to pay to tow it somewhere to have it welded. So please let me know if anyone can help me out. Thanks Alot, Doug
  5. I am looking for someone who can come to my house(in obetz near Columbus Motor Speedway) and weld my clutch release lever that have a nice sized crack in it. It should only be a few minute job and don't want to pay to tow it somewhere to have it welded. So please let me know if anyone can help me out. Thanks Alot, Doug
  6. nismo


    Oh but what about the street racing mustangs and such. You know damn well you have raced on the street so would that make you a ricer. I agree there are alot of dumbass's out there just don't try to put it all on us import guys.
  7. My ribs feel bruised from laughing my ass off. That was good, repost or not I could watch it over and over. The noises she was making are priceless.
  8. Very clean smooth lines. I'm lovin it. Paint the IC black and be done with it.
  9. I say they were drifting that thing and lost it. oooopppssss
  10. Coming to a parking lot near you,,,just practice man.
  11. 1 and 9 are my fav's. But they are all pretty hot. Good choices man graemlins/thumb.gif
  12. nismo

    my new pup

    Do you really think people use Boxers to fight?? Yeah they where given there name due to the way they use their front legs in a fight but there has NEVER been a Boxer that has done anything worth talking about in the ring.
  13. Damn,,thats one rabbit I wouldn't mess with. You can see him in the mirror, he wasn't up to speed,he seemed to go when they did. Nice
  14. nismo

    Z06 beat by WRX

    Nice kill man. It seems everytime I hear of someone running for cash that kind of shit always happens. What ever happened to being a man and admitting it when you get beat?
  15. Hell yeah I'm all for it. I'm glad to see we are starting to weed out the bad seeds and make everything better for those of us who respect others and enjoy our cars in a safe and mature manner. I am a member on other sites but CR is the best by far. The only thing I didn't like about it is the fact everyone(or most)of the people on here always rag on us import guys. Yes I know alot of the import people are young and have not learned awhole lot yet and they do some stupid shit sometimes, but not all of us act that way. I guess I would just like to see all of us getting along and enjoying our cars together, regardless of what we drive. To the admin. and Seniors, Keep up the great job! Doug
  16. JC's will most likely have the best price and they do good work also.
  17. They are all over that area Madison Township sucks.
  18. Cops,Pigs Thats not what they are,,their revenue collectors. Ohio is third in total tickets wrote per year and we are like the tenth largest state. I HATE COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I'll take 2 in white. What colors do you have??
  20. I'll take 2 in white. What colors do you have??
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