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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. Cam and bolt-ons will get you to about 400 whp, maybe little more, and a 100 shot will get you to your goal. I'm going something simillar to a 87 RX7.
  2. She ahs to have big dick sucking lips...
  3. 500 whp can be obtained with just a cam and nawz. Cheapest way. Best way, turbo.
  4. People are going in the 7s on 8.8s.
  5. His prices are great, and you can drop the trans over there instead of shipping it. He does some good work I hear. I got 2 that I'm dropping off as soon as I get a chance. Talked to him a while ago about it and he beat every price quote that I had.
  6. That guy LX2NV on buckeyestangs. I know I few people that had theirs done.
  7. One thing to take in consideration (if your house is financed), is the bank. If you ever want to refinance it may become a problem as some banks don't want to refinance homes with solar panneling on them.
  8. Nice to see that you are building and thinking something outside the box. I bet it's gonna be a cool little car to drive after.
  9. Here we go again. It made the kitchen.
  10. I'll take it I guess. PM'd you.
  11. There is a guy in Cleveland selling one. Check it out on clevelandracing. Thats the closest one I know.
  12. It is knot knice to make fun of people guys. I would knever do that. Know way.
  13. http://www.trufiber.com/Trufiber_Firebird_WS6_Ram_Air_Hood_p/tf40020-a12.htm http://www.google.com/shopping/product/15197305360525352999?q=1993%20firebird%20cowl%20hood&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42661473,d.dmQ&biw=1680&bih=938&wrapid=tlif136138618423510&sa=X&ei=zBolUeGIBeuA0AGcsoHIBg&ved=0CE8Q8wIwAQ
  14. The problem is that, if you go to finance a house (for example), all the "unreimbursed expenses" of the LLC count against your income. Example: you make $148K (drive a Cougar), you file $100K in unreimbursed expenses under the LLC, your income is $48K for that year.
  15. Forget the money, take your kid and run.
  16. Ramsey, if he doesnt like it, I'll buy it from him.
  17. I'm jellaz... I flew next to a fawkin snob with her Hunger Games book in her face all day.
  18. http://www.latemodelrestoration.com/item/SVE-1007DBB/1987-93-Mustang-Black-Anniversary-Wheel-17X10?utm_source=google-shopping&utm_medium=comparison-shopping&utm_campaign=google-shopping&gclid=CPCe3ea2uLUCFYWo4AodkWwAeA
  19. How much money are you trying to spend?
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