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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. Why, why ,why... Did I click on that... I knew it...
  2. The only tip she should care about is my dick...
  3. Here we go again... I forgot that everyone on here dates models... I would bang the living daylights out of her...
  4. Because the next guy is thinking... "Non driving mofo's, can't even stop the car"... Next thing you know, he is in the sand...
  5. Not a bad ride... Welcome...
  6. I like this but that's just me... try to watch most of it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3kyNGVK-hI
  7. Well I finaly got the bike home and snapped some pics... BEFORE: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/R6.jpg AFTER: http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/bikewreck3.jpg
  8. Before wreck... http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e156/iceman1234t/R6.jpg
  9. Nice... I like it... Welcome...
  10. It will most likely be the insurance company that I'll be going after... Medical bills and stuff...
  11. We will... As soon as I can hold a beer bottle... Akula - Question about your bike, do you have loud pipes on it? -Yes it did... Saved my life... Leviathan - Sucks to hear man. Glad your ok other than the cosmetic damage. Hopefully didn't effect your bball skills gonna need em next time the cr basketball crew goes out. - It will be a while before I can play B-Ball again... Not Brian Either - Wow!!!! Did it all feel like it was happening in slow motion??? - NO... It felt like it happened very fast... Thank you very much guys... I hope to see you all soon... Typing with 2 fingers on my left hand sucks...
  12. The van stoped... He had no choice... There was a cop right behind us and saw the whole thing... I got lucky on that... He got a ticked for an inpropper lane change or something...
  13. No broken bones... Got released from the hospital last night... The doctor was amazed that I didnt have anything broken...
  14. Yes it did happen... I was going on 70eb in the fast lane doing about 65-70mph when a van from the lane next to me switched lanes without signal because the trafic in their lane was slowing down to about 35mph... They were so close I had no time to react and it all happened so fast... I hit the back of the van, got thrown off the bike, hit the wall, slid for 30-40 yards min, the bike as it was tumbling down the freeway hit me and rolled over me... I was in "full" gear, jacket, helmet, gloves... My head is ringing from hitting the wall, my back is road rashed, both my legs have road rash (my knees are the worst), both arms (my right one is very bad), all my fingers except for 2 are road rashed, I have lost all my finger tips on my right hand and two on my left. The bike got towed away so I dont have pics yet, but I'm sure it's done with... Point of the story is... Wear your helmet, wear your gear... I would not have been typing this if I wasn't... Thank you...
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