Why did I not have you fix it? I was going to bring it to you, right before You lied to everyone on this board telling them I gave you a used ring and pinion, and infered that it was what caused the problem, without even looking at the car.
the fact that you are willing to make an excuse before even seeing what happend, twice when it comes to my car, one about the used gear. Where You admited me in private that It indeed was a new gear, but NEVER admit you are wrong, ever in public. Two about saying that i didn't spin a bearing when I said I saw it myself.
You treat everyone as if they know nothing about cars and you are the formost authority. Well, asshole, I told you to put locktite on that damn pinion nut the first time and you didn't do it, and it cost me over $700 total to fix and replace everything that was fucked up. Why, because you fixed it by tourqing the nut down with a damn air impact wrench, overcrushing the crush sleeve, the pinion was rideing toward the outside of the ring, which has 3 significant chips in it. what is the likelyhod one of those chips got into the bearing, and made it spin? Oh, that probibly could NEVER happen, because you say it couldn't.
Hey, guess what, do you want me to post a video of the bearing being able to spin all of the rollers to disprove a 3rd thing you claim happend without seeing it?
See I intended to just let it blow over and help you out by sticking up for you, but you can't help but be James-know-it-all-hensler.
I'll be honest with ANYONE who askes me about you:
"James hensler does good work and a VAST majority of it is good, i really think he does. But His customer service is SHIT and if something does go wrong, lookout because he will try to find an excuse why it isn't his fault, even before seeing the car."