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Everything posted by OGRE

  1. darn you , if it were a 94-98 i'd give you money today.
  2. Damn it! it shit on the paint!!!
  3. It's nice to see you paid attention in english and are able to elequant words, but . . . That's a FORD van dumbass!
  4. OGRE

    just bitchin ...

    Obviously niether does a heavy foot. you can temp at honda, starts at over 10/hr.
  5. if you have 2 people you don't need an engine hoist, but it does make it easier. my dad was leaning the engine back as i bench pressed the tranny onto the engine when we did mine. find an alignment tool and you, fowler and i could change that out in no time. did you find a machine shop to resurface your flywheel?
  6. miata = graemlins/supergay2.gif dig, roll, doesn't matter. and it has 110k on the stock motor
  7. that is very funny how all the ricers dig it.
  8. OGRE


    at least in reference to a day as percieved by man, old school creationism. A day is defined as 1 rotation of the earth, what is the length of a day on mars, or saturn? how long whould a day be if you were an ever-present being? a million years? There are two references in the bible about time in this sence.
  9. cool, that's about what my car ran stock
  10. it uses a handgun on the buisness end of the device. there is a pic in the first link.
  11. If you are talking about a turbo setup from one of my friends from michigan, (MySlow2002GT) i told him privately that I did not think that he shouldn't use you because of what happend to me, He said he agreed and he was not using you because you wouldn't listen to his ideas on how the build should go and that you acted like you knew everything about turbos and did not want any of his advice. I wish you well. Joel
  12. Which brings up another lie. You told me you would do the job yourself, and after the fact you told me face to face that you did it yourself. So what is the truth?
  13. OGRE

    beer for sale

    i'm calling the ATF!!!
  14. Why did I not have you fix it? I was going to bring it to you, right before You lied to everyone on this board telling them I gave you a used ring and pinion, and infered that it was what caused the problem, without even looking at the car. http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=25&t=000039 the fact that you are willing to make an excuse before even seeing what happend, twice when it comes to my car, one about the used gear. Where You admited me in private that It indeed was a new gear, but NEVER admit you are wrong, ever in public. Two about saying that i didn't spin a bearing when I said I saw it myself. You treat everyone as if they know nothing about cars and you are the formost authority. Well, asshole, I told you to put locktite on that damn pinion nut the first time and you didn't do it, and it cost me over $700 total to fix and replace everything that was fucked up. Why, because you fixed it by tourqing the nut down with a damn air impact wrench, overcrushing the crush sleeve, the pinion was rideing toward the outside of the ring, which has 3 significant chips in it. what is the likelyhod one of those chips got into the bearing, and made it spin? Oh, that probibly could NEVER happen, because you say it couldn't. Hey, guess what, do you want me to post a video of the bearing being able to spin all of the rollers to disprove a 3rd thing you claim happend without seeing it? See I intended to just let it blow over and help you out by sticking up for you, but you can't help but be James-know-it-all-hensler. I'll be honest with ANYONE who askes me about you: "James hensler does good work and a VAST majority of it is good, i really think he does. But His customer service is SHIT and if something does go wrong, lookout because he will try to find an excuse why it isn't his fault, even before seeing the car."
  15. yup, btw i've seen a solid 85-ish cutlass sitting here in hilliard, if your still looking for a parts car, i could ask.
  16. Word, if you park illegaly, too bad. they are not liable for damage to your car. the only thing you can do is crank the wheels, and hope they hit the car nextr to you if you want them screwed.
  17. that's funny. Clay, bro, those rims on that car are tits, we need to get together with the wives for dinner somethime.
  18. got what i wanted, black wingless trunklid.
  19. i tried, it won't let me have shrek back Maybe i should change it to big liar, because 2 mustang experts told me my car couldn't be broken the way thier vast expertice dictated. because As anyone who knows Hensler Racing, knows they are NEVER WRONG and can work out any problem with your mustang without even inspecting it. graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. OGRE

    ford swap meet

    weather sucked, found my stuff and got out of dodge.
  21. Remember I started out Defending the shop! So, james said it can't happen, and you say that it's hard to believe. well crap, i must be a liar. Or am I just more of an Ogre than anyone believed smile.gif http://www.mustangmods.com/data/141/diff.jpg
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