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Everything posted by gt-titan

  1. to everyone that has asked me about stuff if you dont like the price pm me or text me at 614-323-5077 names jeff ... we really want to move this stuff...not looking to get rich but all the cash will be going to my grandfathers bills and to help on his new place where he has to live...so if u want something but u dont like the price hit me up so we can talk about it...thanks everyone.. THE ADDRESS IS 1256 S.PARIS PLACE REYNOLDSBURG OHIO 43068
  2. sorry pics not that good http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g328/jmilksr06/490cb1bc-bedd-4736-b1d5-0c9c3ee0a137_zps495bf4df.jpg
  3. this is the only pic i have of it sorry its not that good.. http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g328/jmilksr06/490cb1bc-bedd-4736-b1d5-0c9c3ee0a137_zps495bf4df.jpg
  4. sorry there is only a rocking chair and a love seat...the rocker is just a wood rocker...
  5. thanks man its been tuff...my grandmother passed and then a week later my grandfather was in a bad car wreck put hes still kickin he just needs some help....so its been rough...but thanks...
  6. it is a aiwa stereo it has a turntable holds 5 cds and plays cass also two speakers only pic i can get sorry http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g328/jmilksr06/10-83B7352F-481148-960_zps6be22f28.jpg
  7. it is a whirlpool white in color ..it is a above freezer.. it is in very good shape and im not sure on the size but i can tell you it is large on the inside.... 225.00 obo.... http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g328/jmilksr06/11-91497AB7-470827-960_zpsc51e7f07.jpg
  8. the adress is 1256 S.PARIS PLACE REYNOLDSBURG OHIO 43068the time is 9a.m to 5p.m,,,,,,,,,,sunday march 17th having a very large moving sale for my grand parents .....everything has to go..i will post up details later.....just want to let everyone on here know about it.....but it is a complete furnished apt that needs to go.... everything is OBO...for everyone on here... heres my number if you want to call or text me....614-323-5077 there will be two complete bedroom sets both have a twin bed and two dressers both with nice mattress and box spring....one is 300 obo and the nicer one is 400 obo..and we will split up if we have to there is a love seat dark cloc color very soft 100 obo dvd player 25 obo there is a stereo 60 obo end tables 25 each obo there will be dishes pots and pans. there is a very nice freg that needs to go 225 0bo all types of window covering a really nice micowave new...80 obo and there is a nice and is old hutch...this was made and built for my grandmother 40 years ago....175 obo there is more but this gives u an idea....my grandmother passed away and my gradfather is moving.... if your looking for something just ask...i will have some pics later... and the sell is sunday but if there is something anyone wants we can get it now... and the apt is in reynoldsburg right off main and rosehill...
  9. sold..... im looking to trade for a little bigger tool box...no junk....i have a Homak Pro Series Service Cart with Sliding Top Panels — 35in., Blue, Model# BL06043500 cash i would take 325.00 but would rather trade for a bigger box...it is in great shape. i just need a little more room.....p.m me or u can text me at 614-323-5077..thanks for looking... http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g328/jmilksr06/IMAG0006_zpscc40063b.jpg
  10. im going to jump in here and say it will be between 10.00 and 15.00 hr to start depends on your experience....and what you can run...im sure dave will jump in here some time....lol not a bad place to work...lots of overtime in the spring and summer...then theres leaf season...lol
  11. yeah now all i have to do is find some ammo.....lol
  12. found one thanks for telling me about armslist...got a .40 cal s/w sigma two tone for 285.00
  13. nice quad good price.....missin mine right now....and my Yamaha YFZ 450 had reverse and it was a real quad...lol i could eat banshees for lunch... free bump.....
  14. yeah i seen that one on there....seein if i can find one local.... and 375 would be all i have....
  15. im kinda looking for a .40 cal handgun... if your selling pm me what you have im lookin to spend 350.00 max...thanks
  16. unfortunately its sold....thanks jeremiah.....
  17. SOLD... i have a s/w 9mm sigma i need to see if i can sale...two clips and and a box of shells..very clean gun.has had about 100 rounds though it.also comes with a black carrying case. 290.00 obo... u can pm me or text me at 614-323-5077....ill get a pic up later..but if u text me i can text u pics....thanks guys......dont want to sale but i have too.. http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g328/jmilksr06/bth_images_zpsb92c72fa.jpg
  18. sold....thanks chad and nice meeting youu buddy......big help...
  19. got one!!!! thanks to eveyone who tried to help.....
  20. ok is there any comin around soon..
  21. no sorry..thanks for the offer..
  22. im looking for a car for my daughter. she needs a good car too drive to and from school and work....we have 1000 cash i have been looking at cars priced around 1400 or so but i only have 1000 cash....and yes i have been all over cl...so let me know what u have... ok stick is ok
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