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Everything posted by gt-titan

  1. any pic would be fine , i just want to see what they look like. and i would need tires , do you have tires ? let me know.
  3. still looking at deals, someone wants to trade.
  4. hey man ill think about it, im not sure if i like them, ill let you know.
  5. are they 15's? and im not sure what they look like, but im interested. can you get me a pic ? let me know.
  6. if your talking about fitting in your car then yes they will fit , i got them home in my teg with four box's with wheels, if you want to stop by heres my cell-740-272-1122 and home-614-794-2882 call me if you need to wait until fri thats cool if you have a 94 teg they will fit.........
  7. gt-titan

    wheels /wtt

    im wanting to trade my wheels for a set of wheels 15's no bigger then a 17's. i have a set of rota's group-n's black with a red stripe, they are less then a mth old still have the stickers on them, tires are new 185/60/15. the wheels weigh 10lbs they are in great shape. ill look at all deals no black wheels, i don't like the black on black look. let's deal..........pic http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/pde90c2fd9db5fa380823bf22a8d950ac/f8087027.jpg [ 05. July 2004, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: spankb18b ]
  8. the guy i got the car from and the body parts told me that they have never been on a car , and yes they will fit a 94 teg he said they are new and have just been setting around in his shop. let me know.
  9. sold if you want them for 100.00 let me know when you can pick them up.
  10. what do they look like ? what tires are on them.
  11. i have a set of rota wheels 15's they are group-n wheels,less then a mth old.tires are new to , i will trade them for a set of wheels and tires size 15's to 17's no bigger, ill look at anything but another black. and i have a set of z3 fenders for a 94 up teg, never been on a car, and not painted, and i have arear bumper for a teg, not sure what body kit it's from it's unpainted to. i got the parts on the car deal and i have no use for them. ill take 65.00 for the fenders and 45.00 for the rear bumper obo on both. PICS.... http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/p680e77da672cb2535c63b38d2445b946/f80870f4.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/peb958a3da4552388223a7804575b7b5c/f80870ef.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/pde90c2fd9db5fa380823bf22a8d950ac/f8087027.jpg (this pic is for the wheels)
  12. heres some pics http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/pde90c2fd9db5fa380823bf22a8d950ac/f8087027.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/p7473b09fc60b2b370715135049dc9b35/f808729c.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid125/p58f975d32d7984c5458bc40939ef7a6e/f808728e.jpg
  13. big ben ill look for the tag papers i might still have them ,ill hit you back if i find them. and yes five kids, 20, 18, 15, 13, 7, two boy's and three girls . stay single as long as you can and enjoy life before you have kids they are a full time job, so to all you single guys and gals, put the jimmie on............
  14. well i just wanted to let everyone know i got rid of my stang, it might not be the right thing to do , but right now it is for me. thanks to everyone who helped me with my problems and thanks to fowler for the help on my big problems. i now have a 94 teg ls, don't worry it's not riced out i don't roll like that ill post a few pics when i get them. i just really enjoy making horsepower with the honda and teg and they are very good cars. when i get the last of five kids out the house and i can get the stang i want ill be back in one. thanks everyone , this is a great board
  15. yeah they are good people over there, def know there shit.
  16. im looking for a honda lude or a teg ls or gsr no red cars and 94 up any trade offers?
  17. SOLD SOLD.............THANKS FOWLER
  18. i have two mustang wheels left over from a run in with a deer, the other two got bent, they have tires on them but only about 20% tread 60 bucks there yours and if you want the bent ones you can have them , they have tires on them to, still good. they are 17inch wheels ,heres a pic. they are in great shape. http://www.mustangmods.com/data/8392/dcp_3913.jpg
  19. 5600.00 takes it [ 16. June 2004, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: spank4.6GT ]
  20. i think i might need a tranny for my 96 stang gt . help a brother out!
  21. in my stang today i went to shift to sec and it was like shifting to nu then i couldn't get it in any gear then it went into 3rd no prob then i tried 1st 2nd i thought it went into sec so i let out on the clutch it grabbed so i tried to shift to 3rd would not go, it's stuck in first the shifter moves real easy from first to sec and if the car is off it will go in 3rd and 4th but if i start it up and try to move you could tell it was in two gears. can somone help me out is this a fixer, or is it junk.
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