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Everything posted by Mace1647545504

  1. Why would you do something so stupid..jezzzus..just put a drop on a finger and press it to the other finger. Funny story..back in the 70s when I was an computer operator, an stc ce came in to do maintenance on a tape drive. He says hey mace, your a big strong kid..let's see how strong you are..sure i replied. He takes a bottle of something out of his case , put a drop on my finger, tells me to press it to my thumb as hard as i can for a minute then pull it apart. Well I couldn't ..he's laughing his ass off and says wait a second, grabs something else puts a few drops on the glue and a few seconds later I was free. I wonder if i can sue for ptsd...lol
  2. of course they are...weasels...kerry present company exempt..lol
  3. Yeah, I know it's geeky but thought I'd share: https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-last-billion-years-earths-131800244.html
  4. Yes I saw she donating to the docs charity that worked on her. I don't know what it is but that's cool. ON the other hand I wish she would have donated to a homeless shelter or a food bank.
  5. I've got to ask..why are you set on a titan..or is this just the 1st truck that caught your eye? Like someone said..tundra, or I've had a couple of silverados and had pretty good luck with them.
  6. With it having issues already I would pass on it
  7. My father i law has one but i want to say it's an 08-09. He likes it and it seems to be on par with other vehicles with maint. The only weird thing was when his headlight went out we youtubed it and you had to take a ton of fronted parts off to get to it. Luckily, my brother in law was small enough and contoured his arm enough to r&r it . So long story short, that was a pita.
  8. how will control stop this..just asking https://news.yahoo.com/teens-ar-15-try-carjacking-215754376.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=1_04
  9. time to stop at lowes and get some sand... Funny story...back in 95-96 I was working at the nationwide datacenter on north 23. A horrible snowstorm hit and i was in a stick s10. Anyway, on the trip home down 71s, cars were littered all over the road. I didn't go over 15mph and the truck still slid some. After getting near home I remembered an old gas station that threw used tired behind the station. So I stopped and picked up some tire and threw them in the back. At the same time a neighbor was rebuilding a stone wall with cinder block. I stopped there and threw some huge stones in the tires. Truck handled pretty good all that winter with my backwoods fix.
  10. JEZZZZUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS..have you seen the snow forecast for monday and tuesday They are talking 8-9 inches....yikes
  11. why are you deflecting...lets work on the current problem..this guy was really nasty yt a woman..where is the empathy??????????? Please don"t be a hypocrite on this...
  12. And after years of bitching about trumps press corp..here is the kinder gentler side now https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-house-deputy-press-secretary-172323287.html
  13. Well her talking to a lawyer says it all to me. The gofundme page SHE started has raised 20k so she has enough to pay the dr but doesn't have to since the work was donated. Did you see the concoction he used.."medical-grade adhesive remover, aloe vera, olive oil and acetone"....12k seems like a lot of jack for just that. Yes, let's see what she does with the money. If she donates it or does something good with the entire amount then I'll give her kudos if not then I back to attention whore moron.
  14. i did a quick google..here are the results..hope you find something: https://www.google.com/search?q=shipping+brokers&rlz=1CAEAQE_enUS756US756&oq=shipping+brokers&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i457j0l6j0i22i30l2.9822j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  15. He'll do whatever the democrats want to do..they have both houses...obamacare like
  16. greg..after I was sure you were ok, i then would have said what the F were you thinking racing on bald tires. We've all done stupid things..I rode motorcycles in shorts..one time I was waiting for gas some old guy put his car in reverse. I pulled my bike back and burned the crap out of my leg. Had to get silvedine( probably not spelled correctly)..skin actually was laying on the pipe. I then always rode with jeans. I rode once the law was passed helmetless. We have to take responsibility for our own stupidity. Why did she go on tictok?
  17. Well looks like I won't sell: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/12/bitcoin-banks-closer-accepting-cryptocurrency-asset-class.html
  18. People empathize with people that don't do stupid things to themselves. Honestly, if she were some illiterate I'd say, well she couldn't read or if some asshat poured on her head but she did it to herself I'm not a get off my lawn old man, I'm a realist..again she is a teacher..wouldn't she expect her class to read their assignment before they acted upon it?? When you put a vehicle together don't you read the instructions before proceeding.
  19. maybe read the instructions ..she's a teacher..wtf..so i won't assume ..i think she's a moron..it's glue
  20. Phil, I apologize if I offended you about the death of your relatives and if you want I will do it in front of whomever. As far as dismissive I think you and kerry misunderstood my stance. What I was trying to show/figure out/explain is more about me than trump. I can't see why you'd have close ties with whomever or do xyz if it's part of your family. That is my thought, if someone F'ed my family I would stick up for family...now if the family member was wrong they'd hear about it in private. That's just me so please understand that is the way i think. Again, I am sorry, I would never dismiss a death like that.
  21. man i don't know some people are attention whores..hence tictok, fb live, cr kitchen..lol..etc. maybe she thought acetone would take it out of her hair.
  22. kerry .. i like you say let's move forward...we can always disagree on things but like i said it's your opinion and mine. if i were to still be mad i'd be starting all my conversation with F U, you sob, when i see you i'll F you up..don't talk to me..lol Yes I have evolved
  23. LOL...too many moving parts now
  24. kerry i'd have to read the whole thread, which i'm not doing, to ensure i was posting directly to him, which i'm sure i wasn't. AND i'm used to you and greg saying F U to me...it's water rolling off a ducks back when you 2 do it. 25-30 years ago I would have hunted you down and kicked your ass every which way from tuesday..today i am more mellow...as my friends and family will tell you I've mellowed quite a bit in my old age and they will also tell you be glad you (again the proverbial you) didn't meet the young larry. In looking back i really wasn't a very nice person
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