I feel we all have said things that could be construed as anti something or other.
Trump has probably said more offensive thing than most in public and the media ran with it.
While we are at it no one has brought up one of the liberal thinkers on the board using the name 'jewtoys'. Kerry nor you have brought up that as offensive. Are you being selective? I don't know, I think you have just accepted it. Should you be offended, I don't know it's up to you and Kerry.
As far as the 2 state issue, I am sure a lot of Israelis want the stauts quo.
I guess when I hear America first I think of helping the 1000s of homeless people in the US needing help instead helping those that don't want to be citizens. Also, what about pushing monies to other countries and trying to buy friends. How did that work in the middle east and pakistan ?
Illegal aliens keep them out. If you want to live here why wouldn't you want to be a citizen? My relatives did it right so should the new immigrants..what are they trying to hide?
When I was young I was very liberal but as I have gotten older my view have become more conservative.