Yes this is a bad virus but you asked about all the over-whelmed hospitals.
If you watch the news, well cbs national, they seem to go to the same hospital(s) all the time, namely mt. sinal. Then where else do they go..the nusring homes where there are a ton of old people that because of many reasons are balancing life by a thread.
Is it a ct..thanks for clearing that up and letting me key less.. no as I said this is a bad ass virus, but are we in the throes of the hosptials being overloaded, I don't think so. Some are overloaded and others not so much.
Now for all the meat, milk, and veggies being thrown away or kiiled. I don't get it.
Tell the farmer to keep the livestock and when processing can begin then take them to market. Or give whatever milk and veggies to food banks and the poor.
Why are the farmers doing this? They have been bitching about the low prices of their commodities for years, and this is a way to get the prices up.
And now we come to the deficit, someone bitched about it, I forget who, BUT had the feds done nothing the same people would have bitched that the republicans don't want to help the common man..the middle class, while other bitch that not enough has been done. There is no winning.
As far as china going to the top of the economic ladder, this is the same country that didn't report the virus and most large industries have stolen ideas and is back by the communist government. Not the peeps you want to believe.