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Everything posted by Shinobi

  1. I read that on a Hyundai board. Could you perhaps tell me what the truth is in regards to nitrous? Do you have it on your car? My knowledge is limited, and my research on nitrous is not all that extensive. I got as far as reading horror stories and figured better safe than sorry. I also have read that, if you know what your doing nitrous is "safe". Since I DON'T, know what I am doing, I figure stay away
  2. Hell no ... doing one of those late night changes ... just wait till I tell you about what is happening on Friday
  3. Actually ... I thought about doing that. I was only going to do a 30 shot. I read though that the bottom end of my engine was very weak. I think it is rated up to 240-250 WHP but that "shock" of nitrous could blow out the bottom end. I then also read that this is a rumor and isn't true. Either way I figure nitrous is to dangerous to do on my car, especially since it is my daily driver. I would probably spray to much and good by engine! The alternative really to increase speed is to 1. Sell it, but that really isn't an option at the moment. 2. Alpine S/C - stage one gives about 48 HP to the wheel. It's 3k, but I can't install it myself, and I have no idea where to get it installed. After the s/c price, (and in fairness the price of painting, installing and purhcaing a body kit), I could afford a down payment on a new car, like an SRT-4, or WRX ... something like that. I like both of those cars ... but the dream is the new EVO
  4. Hey, it's all love well .. tough love maybe ... Maybe next time if I have to post it I will just write, "where is a good place to get body work done" tongue.gif
  5. Shucks! Maybe I'll just primer my whole car so I won't ever get a ticket again? graemlins/thumb.gif
  6. Where's the love? Oh well, I'll just go to my "ricer" boards. graemlins/thumb.gifsmile.gif
  7. Can anyone give me some recommendations on a shop(s) that can do a bodykit install and paint? Thanks! - Shinobi
  8. ahh ha! I was doing my reading and they didn't mention v6 engine type. They said for 4 and 8 cylinder they used one. I thought I may have to use two.
  9. Gotcha. That makes sense. Basically though for my applicaiton, (V6 Sonata), I would see minimal if any increase in HP if I did a header. I think that I could either have one custom made, ($$ anyone?), or shark racing has a 4-1 header. Still though, at least now I know! graemlins/thumb.gif
  10. Where on the engine block does it bolt on? If I understand you right, it bolts on to the engine then to the cat converter? Thanks!! smile.gif
  11. Questions: I read this article about “How engines work”, which was very informative. It then lead me on to read a short article about headers. I wanted to pick some brains of CR members as I am debating about doing a header on my car. Does the header bolt up to the exhaust manifold? Does it replace it? Do I need to consider if my car uses back pressure? Would doing a header thus reducing the back pressuse have a negative affect on performance? How hard is it do a header? What garage could do it for me? That and how does it bolt up, does it bolt to the manifold and from there to the cat converter? Thanks!
  12. err I meant to write stall converter. But I am going to read on the torque converter as well
  13. Sweet! Thanks for the link too. - Shinobi
  14. Queston: I have a FWD Auto. 04 Sonata w/v6. How do you launch FWD automatic cars? Question2: Torque Converters, how do those work? More so, are they something that can be installed on more or less any make an model? I think I might be interested in one of those. Thanks! - Shinobi
  15. NSX at the thrift store? ???
  16. I just drive that thing to get my groceries in when I live in the beach house. graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. Would you accept an IOU? They are good as cash
  18. Would you accept an IOU? They are good as cash
  19. Dude; that was just my Mom. graemlins/thumb.gif
  20. It sounds like Mr. Tint is the shiz'nit. What are the prices though???
  21. I don't garage the car, because I don't have one. Doh! I need a garage, either an apt with one or a house. For my possible "project car" venture, my fater has some space to use. I will take a look in to a car cover. That could be super helpfull in horrid weather. When you detail your car, do you use micro-fiber towels?
  22. Really? So how do you wax your car? Wipe on was straight across from the left and removed from the right? I was thinking of using Meguairs spary and go and thought about maybe their wax. I have never waxed a car before, and mine could probably use it. Just want to give it that "bling" look smile.gif
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