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Everything posted by xxxShaftxxx

  1. Also, I was wrong about congress.org being their official website. I was misinformed.
  2. I posted this thread to get everyone's opinions on it, not for it to turn into a flame war. "And BTW atmosphere, your reading comprehension needs some help. Both of those bills you posted from the REAL congress website, were the mandatory service bills, not the draft. " The two bills I posted are the ones that were mentioned in the article that I posted. That's all. With that said I would like to share my view on this. I'm 18, I've been accepted to The Ohio State University and I really don't want to be drafted in the army, I have too much to live for. I have nothing against Bush, he hasn't done a horrid job; but it hasn't been stellar either. I am registered to vote, and I will vote when the election comes around. Also, if I was drafted I would fight for the country, I would be proud to be defending my country, because it is my country. Just because I don't want to be drafted doesn't mean I wouldn't stand up and fight to defend the United States of America. Now, about this post.. I probably went about it the wrong way in posting it. I may have seemed biased, I'm not. It was 1:30 in the morning after a long night, and I posted it wanting to hear everyone's opinion. Also, I realize the article says pending. The title of the thread was an attention grabber, and that's it. Sorry if by posting this I offended anyone. Also, I didn't know that this thread had been on here numerous times before.. I try to read as much as possible, but I must have missed those threads.
  3. What was the point of that post? I didn't say that it had happened yet. All I said was that everyone here should take a look at it because it's real. These bills are in the house and senate, and they effect a population on this board. Gonneville stated that if they start up the draft he's buying a rifle, and keyword stated that he doesn't believe it.. Where in any of those posts did anyone say that it wasn't pending?
  4. Congress.org is their website. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=Congress+website Second one is www.congress.org And that's real.. Here are the articles in the house and senate. http://www.congress.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d108:SN00089: http://www.congress.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d108:HR00163:@@@L&summ2=m&
  5. http://www.congress.org/congressorg/issues/alert/?alertid=5834001&content_dir=ua_congressorg "to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." According to this statement EVERYONE, including college students and females, are subject to be drafted to the army in 2005. I would suggest everyone read this article, as it deals with the lives of many on this board (anyone 18-26).
  6. Download trojan hunter and run it. It has a free 30 day evaluation.
  7. xxxShaftxxx


    Post some of your favorite websites for when you're bored. Rather it be when you're at work, or just at home and need something to do. www.bash.org is a hilarious site, I would suggest checking it out.
  8. peedjoo it sounds like ur a bull shitter
  9. xxxShaftxxx

    IQ Tests

    Thank you for recently taking the IQ Test, your score was: 184
  10. There used to be a bigboy on maple.. I think it turned into a Tee-Jay's. I lived in Zanesville until 8th grade, and I remember one being there.
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