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Posts posted by SilverEvo8owner

  1. Some of their un-pre-worn/ripped/torn/beaten clothes are pretty much worth the money. But paying extra for an old look that you can create yourself is kind of stupid. That doesn't mean the whole brand should rot in hell. It just means they're cheap bastards who say hey this looks cool, but this looks cooler and only costs X amount more, so buy it. And what do you know? people buy it, and someone's getting rich right now. graemlins/nod.gif
  2. Some of their un-pre-worn/ripped/torn/beaten clothes are pretty much worth the money. But paying extra for an old look that you can create yourself is kind of stupid. That doesn't mean the whole brand should rot in hell. It just means they're cheap bastards who say hey this looks cool, but this looks cooler and only costs X amount more, so buy it. And what do you know? people buy it, and someone's getting rich right now. graemlins/nod.gif
  3. i never knew that it was a 757


    I thought it was a smaller plane


    and the thing about the FBI taking tapes, how do you know that they weren't trying to find out what happened? Maybe they were trying to get as much intelligence as possible.


    You have to think also that the pentegon is one massive brick of cement. When the planes hit the towers you could still see the tail going into the buildings. But if you think about it the towers were in a sense much "softer" than the pentegon brick. Any metal aluminum structure that hits a brick at 530 mph is going to "vaporize"

  4. (silver's brother posting. hope he doesn't mind)


    On my way to Cincinatti today, I saw a transport truck heading the opposite direction. Got closer and my eyes focused to see about 12 C6's chillin on the trailer. Anyone have an idea what dealer they're on the way to?


    Sorry no pics. tongue.gif It was spur of the moment, didn't have a camera.


    From what I could tell there was at least one in every color.

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