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Posts posted by ObliqueFD

  1. From my understanding of law the City of Westerville (plaintif) is initiating suit against Nathaniel XXXXXXXX (defendant). It would be the other way around if Nathanial was taking suit against the City of Westerville. If Nathaniel has been found guilty of a criminal act, the City of Westerville can now go after him because he has "offended society."


    That's just my take on it. It could be wrong.

  2. I saw one a couple years ago here in Lancaster. I've also heard of them being as far North as Akron. It's possible it is a copperhead, but the only way to find out is to take it to a wildlife officer as mentioned above. You should also check with wildlife preserves to see if they will take it. I've seen some mean snakes down here in the hills.
  3. My grandpa died whilst performing a massive Valsalva Maneuver.....on the pot.


    He died by trying to pop his ears? WTF!


    I'd want to die in a plane crash. Sounds messed up, but I'm a pilot. I'd rather be in the air than on the ground. Fighting the airplane as it plummets toward the ground sounds like the ultimate challenge to me.

  4. Didn't Mythbusters do a show on cell phone interference on planes? I'd imagine it's along the same lines with medical equipment.


    On airplanes and medical equipment the electronics are shielded to block interference. The main reason the FCC doesn't want you to use a cell phone on an airplane is to prevent a potential system overload on cell towers. In an airplane you have the ability to connect to more towers than you would on the ground due to altitude and clear line of sight for the radio waves to travel.


    My father, who is an optometrist, requires cell phones to be turned off because he can't stand when patients come back to the exam room and start gabbing on their cell phone. It's a waste of his time and puts him behind schedule.

  5. I use to be able to open a direct connection trough AOL IM and get someones IP. I haven't tried it in years, but it might still work. Also you can sometimes get their IP by looking at the properties of an Email they sent you.


    Easiest way is to create a webpage and look at the logs.

  6. I avoid River Valley Mall like the plague. The only time I go there is when I need something I can't get elsewhere. That place is full of teenagers and hicks on welfare.


    The Marcus in Pickerington isn't that far away and is better than Regal. Atleast I thought it was a couple years ago. It's been a while.


    Oh yeah, and said douchebag works at Kroger on Memorial I believe. He's a real winner...

  7. Including Skybus that makes two airlines in one week to go belly up.


    Wrong. Skybus is the third airline this week to go belly up. Aloha Airlines went under March 31, ATA Airlines went under April 2, and now Skybus on April 4.


    I have never liked Scumbus from the beginning. It was detrimental to the airline industry. I could say a lot more about it, but all I'm going to say is good riddance!

  8. I would boot their car. The nazi's here at OU do it all the time. It'll keep them from going to work. If they aren't smart enough to remove it themselves, they will have to pay to have it towed to a shop, and it would definitely make for a bad day.
  9. Awesome! I'm definitely up for the trade. I'll be out of town for a week and anytime after that would be fine for me. I'll PM you once I'm back in town and we can work out the details. :)


    Sounds good. I assume you have the 5 speed companion flange on there. We'll need to swap those too so our driveshafts bolt up correctly.

  10. Congratulations! Military is the way to go if you don't have the cash to go the civilian route or you want the opportunity to travel the world. Which track do you hope to take; fighter/bomber, airlift/tanker, or multi/turboprop? My cousin graduated UPT about a year ago, and is now flying C-130s in Germany. It'll definitely be an experience for you.


    I'm a flight instructor. Let me know if you want to go up sometime just to mess around and see what it is like.

  11. i feel i can safely drive when im drunk :rolleyes:


    You got me there....


    I just don't want another reason for law enforcement to pull me over. Yes, the simple answer is to get an earpeice, but I don't want a damn dingleberry hanging off my ear.

  12. No. Ohio doesn't need this ASAP. What we need is better driver training. I feel I can safely talk on the cell phone while driving. Texting on the other hand definitely should be outlawed.


    I'm a pilot. I know how to fly an airplane at 200 mph, look for other aircraft, talk to ATC and other pilots, and also manage my airplane. Sometimes I'm teaching while doing all of this. Fortunately, I have the ability to multi task.


    Driver testing standards need to be raised and limitations need to given for people found incapable.

  13. Good luck getting a job as a helicopter pilot. There are plenty of Army vets out there with thousands of hours competing for jobs flying helicopters. If you really want a career as a pilot, you are better off flying airplanes.


    The training is real. You start off with an instructor, log training, take the aircraft on a solo flight, log some more time with an instructor, take the aircraft on a solo flight to a few different airports, then you take a check ride with pilot examiner to receive your certificate. After this it starts all over with more advanced training to become instrument rated and commercially certified.


    I'm a flight instructor at Ohio University. I only teach in airplanes and I don't know much about helicopter training. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. With flight schools you should never pay for the training up front. Many schools have gone bankrupt and screwed their students out of a LOT of money. Flight training isn't cheap. Plan on spending $10,000 to $80,000 depending on the ratings you go for and where you go. Helicopters usually rent for around $200 an hour.


    Go check out your local airport. They might offer helicopter training. The Fairfield County Airport north of Lancaster provides helicopter rental and instruction. Here is their website http://www.fairfieldair.com/

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