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Everything posted by Rainer

  1. still for sale need to sell ASAP
  2. im working on a deal right now ill hit u up if something happens
  3. i have the sprint blade(a900) in really good shape $100 (retail for 400) i also have the sprint katana (pink) only 2 months old perfect for a girl or a boy(if your in to that) $100 (retail between 200 and 300) well have pics up soon
  4. Rainer


    i need a starter for a ls motor ASAP i hope someones got one.
  5. hey im looking for a bike, something cheap, something to start out with would a cbr 600 if anyones got one.
  6. i know somebody has something i really dont want to use the sink
  7. hey im looking for a washer and dryer so i hope some one can hook me up i just moved and got a place with hook ups so if any one can help that would be sweet
  8. trade u a clean 93 teg with new motor? (great MPG)
  9. so is that a tig welder or torch?
  10. no thanks man not into volvo's
  11. im looking for a 4 door either car or suv would like a 4 door civic if any one has one but will go for a decent suv if someone has one. looking between 1000-2500
  12. hey i need to get some aftermarket stuff for this 93 teg i just got i need......... intake header, perfer 4-2-1 muffler, would like to get one that comes up at a angle lowering springs LS mesh wheels if anybody has a set msd blaster coil and cap, if anybody has them short shifter i think thats good for now that should give me a good start.
  13. trade u a 89 S10 extended cab with a built 350
  14. have pics upon request and well sell for $2500 frim
  15. if i had to put a price on it i would probly say $3500 obo
  16. is this just the screen or does it play cds, dvds, ect?
  17. danm would he be interested in parting out?
  18. yeah its the red one And i was really just looking for a trade but i would probly sell it for the right price ill get pics as soon as possable (i was kind of waiting on a nice day)
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