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Everything posted by Art

  1. Art

    A Public Apology

    heh I need a beer. Good luck.
  2. I was talking to my Dad and he says that those engines are prone to have an ignition module go bad. That I am guessing is one of the most commomn problems....so anyways I put in new plugs tonight to only find out I am getting no injector pulse so.... I'm going to keep trying till its up and blazin' 15 second 1/4's
  3. so you you stop bye to see it? pm me I NEED IT GONE!
  4. yes got it off of ebay, I hope to have it out in the next few weeks....which I WILL ALSO BE OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME in about 2 years smile.gif
  5. yes sir you are correct. all for around $500 idealy. not a bad investment if i say so myself.
  6. because it is funny ass shit, monty python syle son, the wicked mad flows pwn joo blapshemy kid
  7. Well, I got the car down here about a week ago. I almost lost it on the trailor ride down from Fostoria. I used some 1 inch tie die (come alongs) these are nowhere near strong enough to hold a car. THESE ARE NOWHERE NEAR STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD A CAR NOOBS, myself included. Luckily the car had been sitting for a year and the brakes seized on the damn thing, or else, God forbid, something very terrible could have happened. graemlins/slap.gif Now it is sitting at my cousins house with grass all over it, and it is in the engine bay from the yard tractor shooting out grass on it. It's a nice touch to this 21 year old car. I promised pics but I have been really busy. Now for the good part, I put a battery in it and it started up. It had been sitting a year and it started up. I put gas in it which there was none, the oil was chaned b4 it was "stored" away. I bought plugs for it yesterday and intended on having that done, nope. 8 plugs 4 cylinders....factory MSD hehe. So long story short it is sitting and will get some love this week at least enough to get on the road.
  8. I need an intercooler srt4 would be great or one of similar design and size thanks.
  9. THAT JUNGLE......well it is a noise buffer on my private drag strip where the Integra DOES 9's ALL DAY!!! graemlins/grin2.gif
  10. $3,500 I need this gone. Come with cash and we can talk. CAsh talks alot more than some words on this board, again bring cash and we will talk.
  11. Oh, with slicks, and good traction, it will do 9's all day long!
  12. $3500 *edited price* 124k miles, new timing belt, and clutch at 106k miles. Very clean in and out, everything works, second and 3rd synchro's are slightly wearing in. Selling this for my Cousin. It is teal green and looks like an integra....... cant get my pics to load I will try later. Oh it has VTEC YO! http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/art95celica/DSCF0170.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/art95celica/DSCF0168.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/art95celica/DSCF0165.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/art95celica/DSCF0162.jpg [ 25. July 2005, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Art95Celica ]
  13. My Dad just watched this vid and was like....Damn!
  14. graemlins/supergay2.gif shut up!
  15. Is the colt similar to the mirage? I cant find a pic of one. thanks. fast car, neat video.
  16. if there are pics posted and the body is in really good shape, i'd say that price is right on. 116k miles is freakishly low for an 87 turbo
  17. Art

    bounce boobs

    Yes that girl has been on here before... I love her big ole' nipples and all. please some1 find the old videos of her. she never gets nekkid.
  18. right on, and TRUE STORY!!! im stealing this story
  19. My celica is automatic. I dog the shit out of that car, the tranny is great, so no worries there. That low of mileage, vert top, perfect girl car, put gas in it, and change the oil, it will last forever.
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