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Posts posted by cinergi

  1. Originally posted by Desperado:

    [QB] Having some background in electronics, I know this can be done. But I can't pull this off myself.


    Here's my idea.


    These days there is a little black box for everything, turbo timers, boost controllers, delay boxes, nitrous progressive controllers, and the list goes on.


    So how about a multi stage progressive nitrous controller and ignition system that had accelrometers in it for traction control.



    I have wondered how this could be done before. When I was looking around for information on this several years ago, I could not find any suitable information available. It would definitely be a good product to capitalize on!



  2. Originally posted by Desperado:

    I am sorry man, but you got owned big. I have no idea if you are into that or not and don't care. But that was too funny.


    As far as cops with their lights off. If they are running radar and pull you over it's entrapment in Ohio. They HAVE TO have their lights on. The silly local yocal in Johnstown tend to try to get away with this here lately, and since I know what he's up to I make it a point to pull over where he's at and ask him if he needs a ride back to the station. And make some off handed comment about I know that you would NEVER run traffic without your car legally iluminated as that is aginast the law and you being a really honest and upstanding officer of the law would never knowingly break the law. Of course it's said really smartassed too. This typically get s me a dirty look and followed through town. But what the hell. I have now resorted to calling the police station and reporting a broke down police crusier.

    Hahaha! Yeah... Those Johnstown Johnnies are something else. They try to pull a lot of tricks, you just have to know where they sit. I used to drive out that way QUITE a bit and never ran into any problems, but I always went under the speed limit there through town. I heard they moved thier station somewhere else and there is a car lot where the old station used to be? I haven't been out that way in a while, so I was just wondering.




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