I agree with all of this. I'm not a tree hugger or such but I LOVE NATURE and animals in general. As it has been said before, I dont look at them as a pest. I look at them as animals just trying to survive like we do.
I remember when derek "from NTB" on here made a thread on here years ago about killing a oppossom or raccoon with a blowgun,bbgun, other shit. Just making it suffer while he thinks it was cool to take pics of it while shooting/hitting it with shit just to think we would approve. I wish I could've done the same thing to him. Just to do it like he just did it to the animal bc it was in his yard. Fuckin scum.
Theres only a few things that will make me instant rage where I would seriously hurt somebody if given the chance and animal cruelty/killing animals just to do it b/c you think they are a "pest" is one of those things
Same goes for people I see who litter. srs