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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. Wow, sounds like a shitty tint place. BTW I got 15% all around mine.
  2. Calling me mad then going out of your way to make sure I stay banned. LOL strong irony you bitch. Gonna be a fun track day ;) we will see if your online Kunt personality spills over IRL.
  3. Gonna write a script to keep me banned? You are a bigger cocksucker then I thought.
  4. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/okay-face.jpg
  5. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/happyestblackkidever.gif
  6. PLEASE NO TROLLING. Lets have a serious thread for once. I'm not talking fear of being successful, being a good person, or a good father. I'm talking about other fears. Such as heights, spiders, water etc... One of my biggest fears is falling asleep sometimes. Just the thought of how much I get done in an 8hr work day then thinking i'm going to be laying in bed unconscious for that long freaks me out. It's almost like I psych myself out sometimes at night thinking this. Another fear is falling alseep and not waking back up. The world means too much to me and thinking I just fall asleep one normal night and the lights stay off forever is kind of crazy to wrap my brain around. Last but not least is flying. I don't mind flying and I fly alot when going on vacations but the thought of having no control over if it crashes or not just makes me sick. Its like you just gotta take it either way. Lets hear what other people's fears are
  7. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/jj-1.jpg
  8. Looks nice. Someone forgot to paint your hood though.
  9. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/2zsz39i.gif http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/49b20865.jpg
  10. Good thing you're a phaggot and not a troll then Sturg
  11. Here's a pic of my Norinco MAC90 AK47 next to its new brother. Finnish mosin nagant m39 http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/3a3d999c.jpg
  12. You drive a fucking Sonoma. Go fucking die ya dumb cocksucking bitch.
  13. There's a norinco sks with bayonet and collapsible stock. Has black composite stock on it and wooden stock comes with it. Good looking rifle
  14. I'm going to get a matching wood pistol grip. I agree they look better.
  15. Well, I was helping my wife's cousin move her late fathers gun safe's from his house to her house along with about 40 assorted firearms. Once we moved the heavy ass safes and firearms from one house to another with a box truck and a couple buddies I started to look at what Guns she had. She is eventually going to sell all of them and i'm going to put up a list on here to see what people would be interested in. Since I'm family with her and helped her out alot she gave me a ridiculous deal on an Norinco Chinese MAK-90 sporter AK-47. I've been interested in a nice AK47 for awhile so this was perfect timing. This gun is MINT along with every gun this guy has. it came with 4 30rd mags, 2 5rd mags, and 1 100rd drum. Also has a muzzle brake and a factory 4x20 norinco scope. 2 others Item that has been switched over and documented was the butt and pistol grip. These sporters usually came with a 1 pce wooden butt with finger hole and no pistol grip. Onto pics. This rifle is clean as hell. I love it. The wood matches. its just the lighting. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/9e806c1e.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/f144e5d0.jpg
  16. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj288/Dubs740/3a564c7a.jpg :gabe:
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